Black Metal.

I've been listening a lot to Storm's Nordavind lately,really good. It's one of those really few records where the folk sound is really incorporated in the music and not just some gimmick used to be able to lable the music.
Wow, I didn't realize Thorns was actually in studio recording their new album. The follow-up to their self-titled has been talked about for how many years?
Has anyone ever heard Lunar Aurora - Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres? I have all the other full lengths by them and they're all ace, but this album seems quite rare.

HA! I just found it on amazon for $1,944.98.
Yeah, I have it. I remember it reminding me of early Emperor, but it's been a while, and I probably haven't even listened to it more than 3 times.