Black Metal.

I was.

It was a reaction to saying they were Darkthrone worship. Their first couple albums were more basic but SMRC is pretty unique.
SMRC is in no way Darkthrone worship. The early stuff isn't even an extent I guess. One of Mikko's other projects, Clandestine Blaze, is ACTUALLY pretty OK Darkthrone worship/ripoff.

Also all Watain is very good.
so can someone tell me why 1349 is so disliked here? i've never really heard much from them.

oh and deathspell omega is fucking amazing. SMRC is the best post 2000 BM album imo.
I dislike 1349 because there's no character, there's just a bunch of gratuitous, endless rounds of blastbeats. I don't care for blastbeats in general unless they're used tastefully, and 1349 certainly doesn't accomplish that.
I dislike 1349 because there's no character, there's just a bunch of gratuitous, endless rounds of blastbeats. I don't care for blastbeats in general unless they're used tastefully, and 1349 certainly doesn't accomplish that.

Wholeheartedly agreed.

I do love a good blastbeat, but they seem forced in a lot of newer black metal.
I was.

It was a reaction to saying they were Darkthrone worship. Their first couple albums were more basic but SMRC is pretty unique.

So is Kenose, and again on their latest material (one song on the Crushing The Holy Trinity compilation).. Fuck comparing Deathspell to Darkthrone garbage.
You don't know shit about Darkthrone. :)

And 1349 sucks.

I'm surprised and disappointed in you.
Deathspell Omega ftw

I dislike 1349 because there's no character, there's just a bunch of gratuitous, endless rounds of blastbeats. I don't care for blastbeats in general unless they're used tastefully, and 1349 certainly doesn't accomplish that.

I agree. Personally I like blast beats and feel they certainly have there purpose but some bands do it way too much... Marduk for example. 1349 are just another meh black metal band to me. Not AWFUL but not at all interesting. Now a good example of tasteful blast beats in black metal would be the first two Dissection albums.