Black Metal.

I dislike 1349 because there's no character, there's just a bunch of gratuitous, endless rounds of blastbeats. I don't care for blastbeats in general unless they're used tastefully, and 1349 certainly doesn't accomplish that.

I feel the same way about bands like Hate Eternal. WAY TOO MANY FUCKING USELESS BLAST BEATS!
More awesome bm you should listen to right now:
Xantotol - Liber Diabolus: 1991-1996
Negura Bunget - Sala Molska
Krieg - Destruction Ritual (rrrrraw)
Abigor - Orkblut The Retaliation
Darkthrone - Goatlord (my favourite bm release by this band... underrated imo)
The new Furze is a great slab of weird/left-of-center black metal. For prior fans of his, it's a bit different from Necromanzee Cogent but still nice! Winner.