Black Metal.

I'm a huge fan of early Absurd (Facta Loquntuur, Asgardsrei), but they were a completely different band then with a completely different line-up. I haven't heard the split in question - although I really want to, mostly for the Sigrblot material - but I imagine it's fairly similar to their other recent works. Blutgericht isn't bad, and would probably interest you.
Are any of you fans of Absurd(Ger)? I'm listening to this split with them, GBK and Sigrblot and like what I heard. What else is worth hearing?

I'm a fan of their older material, but its probably very far from what you're looking for. Other than its idealogy and agression it really hard to consider it metal at all. The music itself is much more punky than metal and the whole attitude behind is more punk than minimalist. (flame me if you will). I've never bothered looking past Facta Lwhateverthefuckitis
Guys, i've been meaning to check Limbonic Art out but i'm not willing to take any chances. Are they worth checking out? if so, what's the best place to start?
There isn't a single lackluster Summoning release.

Guys, i've been meaning to check Limbonic Art out but i'm not willing to take any chances. Are they worth checking out? if so, what's the best place to start?

Their first three albums are all excellent. Start with Moon in the Scorpio if you like atmosphere, In Abhorrence Dementia if you want more symphonic bombast, and Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death if you like it heavy with subtle industrial influences.
I've never really seen later Summoning as very metal anyway, though. Just because it has guitars that are played in tremolo with distortion makes it hard to make a case that it even is metal anymore. I mean, yeah, moreso than other epic neoclassical stuff in some shallow ways, but, really...