Black Metal.

I'm only half-way through my first listen of NeChrist and I'm absolutely loving it. Whoever shits on this album must also shit on To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire, otherwise it doesn't make sense to hate this album. The production buries some of the symphonics, but I'm used to that from the latter album.
I just really dislike how it sounds like a polka hoe down with raw production some of the time. It's goofy. Really, I think Weltanschauung is the best by NM, and Goat Horns is up there too. I haven't heard To The Blasphemous Gates....
I just really dislike how it sounds like a polka hoe down with raw production some of the time. It's goofy. Really, I think Weltanschauung is the best by NM, and Goat Horns is up there too. I haven't heard To The Blasphemous Gates....

Well, being a Slav myself, such elements strike a deeper meaning.
I'll agree that a lot of NeChrist does end up sounding fairly silly. The songwriting seems fairly copy and paste; lots of random folk "hoe-downs" amongst the raw Black Metal like V mentioned, but no real integration. While I don't hate it or even dislike it, it's my least favourite album by them, with Goat Horns and Lunar Poetry being my most preferred. To the Gates... is also quite excellent.
Anyone got any info on Peste Noire? I heard one song and really liked it. Considering getting that album, but not sure yet. I'm only getting one this week so I gotta choose wisely.
Went to see Horna tonight. They were good, but I wouldn't run out and buy their stuff. Blood Stained Dusk was the band before them, and they played stuff kind of in the style of Nocturnal Poisoning. It was ok. Before that was a collaborative thing between Locrian and Velnias. It didn't suck, but their set never ended. It seemed like they played their blend of ambient drone featuring BM forever. The opener was Entrancemperium, which played some Emperor inspired BM, with no keys. It was fine, but a bit sloppy.
There isn't a single lackluster Summoning release.

Their first three albums are all excellent. Start with Moon in the Scorpio if you like atmosphere, In Abhorrence Dementia if you want more symphonic bombast, and Ad Noctum: Dynasty of Death if you like it heavy with subtle industrial influences.

I heard Moon in the Scorpio, and I'm thinking about picking it up. I'll probably order it today.
Anyone got any info on Peste Noire? I heard one song and really liked it. Considering getting that album, but not sure yet. I'm only getting one this week so I gotta choose wisely.

I'd say their first album, La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence, is probably worth a purchase if you're just buying one album this week. Lots of interesting playing and even guitar solos.
While I agree with just about everything that's been said about NeChrist, you have to admit, there are some really fucking good songs on that album (i.e. 'Night Befor Flight', 'Black Raven', 'The Call of Aryan Spirit', and 'Perun's Celestial Silver' to name a few examples).
Does anyone else find Twilightfall to be one of the best things the band has done? I wouldn't say it tops Goat Horns or Lunar Poetry but I'm surprised at how little recognition that demo seems to get.
Went to see Horna tonight. They were good, but I wouldn't run out and buy their stuff. Blood Stained Dusk was the band before them, and they played stuff kind of in the style of Nocturnal Poisoning. It was ok. Before that was a collaborative thing between Locrian and Velnias. It didn't suck, but their set never ended. It seemed like they played their blend of ambient drone featuring BM forever. The opener was Entrancemperium, which played some Emperor inspired BM, with no keys. It was fine, but a bit sloppy.
I'd like to hear Bloodstained Dusk sometime, they're an Alabama black metal band I believe, as is Octagon.
I'd say their first album, La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence, is probably worth a purchase if you're just buying one album this week. Lots of interesting playing and even guitar solos.

Solos? My interest is piqued. I must say I like the occasional solo in BM. I don't wanna hear em too much, but some albums could use a solo or two.

I've heard a few Bloodstained Dusk songs. I was not impressed.
Damn it. You just reminded me of an album I lost and I can't for the life of me remember who it was. I could have sworn it was Nachtmystium but I looked at their album covers and none of them are it. Then I thought maybe it was Nokturnal Mortum. Wrong. Now it's drivin me nuts. It was fast as fuck though.