Black Metal.

Memoria Vetusta I is leagues better if the song on MySpace was indicative of the quality of the album as a whole, but it's still a very good song and it sounds worthwhile and different from their previous music.
Memoria Vetusta I is leagues better if the song on MySpace was indicative of the quality of the album as a whole, but it's still a very good song and it sounds worthwhile and different from their previous music.

Going to judge an album based on one song are you? :p
Memoria Vetusta I is leagues better if the song on MySpace was indicative of the quality of the album as a whole, but it's still a very good song and it sounds worthwhile and different from their previous music.

I've given the new one quite a few listens and yeah, I think overall I is better. II is still really great, I wish I had the same production.
I ordered it. I didn't even think to look at Netflix...

EDIT: It is at Netflix.

It's a Bill Zebub film. Oh boy.

This Documentary is a JOKE and Bill Zebum is a talentless hack. he mocks everything and thinks its always funny. he always thinks hes funny. whats funny is people still pay attention to his retardation and bad taste.
this was poorly done just like his magazine and dont waste your time.
thumbs down....way down...give up and please quit breathing Bill.fgt.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in saying that they haven't really released anything above mediocre, so I wouldn't go see Satyricon even if they played only stuff from older albums.
One of the better Satyricon albums. Fucking hell their show in LA last week was pretty horrible. They didn't play shit from anything past Volcano. I mean I enjoy some of the new stuff, but to not play anything past Volcano is almost an insult.
Wow what a bunch of homos. But really, it's no big deal since they have been dead since anything after Nemesis Divina.
I ended up meeting Frost which was definetly a highlight as he is one of my favorite drummers, but other than that it was a very dull show.

Satyr looked like Kyle Mclaughlin from Twin Peaks. It was very Anti-Black Metal and very Mall core ish.
Satyricon-The Shadowthrone
That album is great and Satyricon's best that I have. Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina are also great albums. Rebel Extravaganza is good and has great songs like Prime Evil Rennaissance and A Moment of Clarity but is lacking. Now, Diabolical is very good and has great songs like Pentagram Burns and Rite of The Cross, very good, but lacking a bit. I don't have Volcano yet but will getting it soon from Zephyrus. I'll get the Age of Nero soon.

That's bad a Satyricon show ended up being dull.:erk: Satyr's image was a whole lot better on the Now, Diabolical album.
One of the better Satyricon albums. Fucking hell their show in LA last week was pretty horrible. They didn't play shit from anything past Volcano. I mean I enjoy some of the new stuff, but to not play anything past Volcano is almost an insult.

The Shadowthrone is probably their best and like Belligerent said, they haven't done anything worthwhile since Nemesis Divina. I'm sorry you had to endure such a shitty set.