Black Metal.

Oh cool, it seems that the Nagelfar reissues are actually going to see the light of day soon. The End has Hunengrab Im Herbst up for pre-order now saying they should be available in March.
Too bad guys; I bought the only available copy of the limited edition 'Gullible Fools' package which included a Master's Hammer tea cozy and matching steak knives. It cost $5000 but it was totally worth it.

What are you trying to say you my pals? If you're trying to condemn buy 'special' versions of releases, then fuck you. If not, fuck you for posterity's sake.
ugh.. i cant believe i never got around to checking out the earlier root albums. Just got the reissue of Hell symphony from ihate. this fucking rules. is Zjevení / The Revelation and The Temple in the Underworld just as good?
ugh.. i cant believe i never got around to checking out the earlier root albums. Just got the reissue of Hell symphony from ihate. this fucking rules. is Zjevení / The Revelation and The Temple in the Underworld just as good?

Zjevení is great, the later albums lose the blackmetal aggression, but are also good, being more on the "epic" side of metal.

On the subject of Black Metal:

So far in 2009, any good albums come out?
Too bad guys; I bought the only available copy of the limited edition 'Gullible Fools' package which included a Master's Hammer tea cozy and matching steak knives. It cost $5000 but it was totally worth it.

You should have actually bought the die-hard version instead of trying to be funny and failing miserably. If you don't like collecting, that's cool, but nobody else cares or wants to hear your unfunny jokes about people who are actually passionate about buying the music that they like.

That post was almost as pointless as when people post in the hauls thread about albums that they thought about buying before they decided not to, and it contained far less humor value despite your attempts to the contrary.
You should have actually bought the die-hard version instead of trying to be funny and failing miserably. If you don't like collecting, that's cool, but nobody else cares or wants to hear your unfunny jokes about people who are actually passionate about buying the music that they like.

That post was almost as pointless as when people post in the hauls thread about albums that they thought about buying before they decided not to, and it contained far less humor value despite your attempts to the contrary.

Omni I give you points for at least coming up with an intelligent response, unlike Dodens, and I can of course respect collecting and dedication to a cause (hell I own 600 or so albums myself) but there's a point where collecting becomes no different from rampant consumerism. If you guys are too über-kvlt to handle a little harmless satire about it that's not my problem.
Every time I listen to Leviathan I am miffed that I am the only person who ever brings the band up in this thread. Every release is so jam-fucking-packed with great ideas, great riffs, great melodies, great musicianship. I think people need to revisit this stuff, and not just 10th Sublevel, or Xasthur/Leviathan. Verrater has many terrific songs, and every single release that I've heard is full of memorable stuff. Even the ambient collection is brilliant. The band is far more diverse and inventive than it's given credit for. To categorize it as a SDBM band is a real injustice, as that only really applies to 2 or so releases.

If you disagree, listen more.
Omni I give you points for at least coming up with an intelligent response, unlike Dodens, and I can of course respect collecting and dedication to a cause (hell I own 600 or so albums myself) but there's a point where collecting becomes no different from rampant consumerism. If you guys are too über-kvlt to handle a little harmless satire about it that's not my problem.

Since when does buying an extremely anticipated limited edition LP reissue that's been talked about for years and years qualify as rampant consumerism?

Also, if that's your definition of satire, I'd say you're completely missing the point to that type of humor.
Omni I give you points for at least coming up with an intelligent response, unlike Dodens, and I can of course respect collecting and dedication to a cause (hell I own 600 or so albums myself) but there's a point where collecting becomes no different from rampant consumerism. If you guys are too über-kvlt to handle a little harmless satire about it that's not my problem.

The regular 4LP is $35. The "die hard" is $45 and comes with a patch and a turntable mat. Trying to find even one of those albums on any other pressing will cost you more than that. A turntable mat can easily cost you over $10. It's good value, so kindly fuck off, you not-my pals.
The regular 4LP is $35. The "die hard" is $45 and comes with a patch and a turntable mat. Trying to find even one of those albums on any other pressing will cost you more than that. A turntable mat can easily cost you over $10. It's good value, so kindly fuck off, you not-my pals.

The Ritual vinyl pressing (that I have too) was sold on Aukro today for 40USD so you're pretty much right. I still haven't heard mine but I'm afraid it's in pretty bad shape so I kinda envy you guys the remastered purple fucking vinyls.
Plus this is the first time that either album was released on a DLP format, which means that the album will inevitably sound better given the length of each album. The general rule is that you shouldn't cram more than 20 minutes per side on a 12". Much more than that and your jeopardize the sound quality. So this is supposed to be the best sounding these albums have ever been.
At V5's suggestion I finally listened to SMRC all the way through while reading the lyrics, and seeing whether all these "quantum satanics" should be taken seriously. I've concluded that a metaphorical interpretation is valid, in that Christianity is diametrically opposed to human nature, which is represented in a natural force called Satan. Thus the appropriation of scripture and the Latin mass effects great irony. Whether these musicians take this "theism" seriously is no matter, as their music is inferior to few and their philosophy much more profound than your typical anti-society Black Metal.

That said, I agree with V5 that Mikko can't pronounce Latin to save his life.