Black Metal.

Did you notice that Mikko clearly doesn't do vocals at certain parts in their music? Whoever the other vocalist is, he has a French accent, so I assume that it's Hasjarl.
Did you notice that Mikko clearly doesn't do vocals at certain parts in their music? Whoever the other vocalist is, he has a French accent, so I assume that it's Hasjarl.

That would make sense. V5 discussed this and comes to the same conclusion. Then again they brought in a different person to do spoken word parts on Aborym's Generator album, which I hold in similar regard.
Sometimes, Hasjarl or whoever it is performs growled or screamed vocals, like at the end of "Sola Fide II" and in the second half of "Mass Grave Aesthetics." It's clearly not Mikko.
Yet I still don't understand the whole clandestine aspect. Their devotion has inspired great works of music, but to wrap that up in secrecy is pretentious even by my standards. Make people happy and play live!
I finally listened to SMRC all the way through while reading the lyrics, and seeing whether all these "quantum satanics" should be taken seriously.

why would you take these seriously? these lyrics aren't written by god himself you know. please take some fresh air... you need it.
Well, being without internets that last month has caused me to miss out on the Master's Hammer Die Hard, so I was forced to order the regular edition. Whatever, I am still excited. I also have the new Absu and the Weltenfeind split on the way. Excited for those as well.
The new BAN is my very next purchase. They have it on it's way to the record shop I go to. I'm listening to the new Absu I just got. Fantastic so far. However, did anyone else notice the cover looks very similar to Morbid Angel's 'Domination'? Regardless, it's kicking my ass for sure.


I've heard a lot of complaints about the new Absu cover, and I don't quite get it. It's fairly sparse, but it's done well and conveys what it's meant to, as does all of Verwimp's work.