Black Metal.

I love old Arckanum and the first Sacramentum album. Those are probably my favorites. I don't like the generic blasturbation garbage like most Marduk, Funeral Mist, the new Nefandus and Ofermod albums and just about all the other more modern aggressive Swedish religious Satanic black metal bands.
I tend to listen to uplifting or positive music when I'm in a bad mood, rather than brooding and listening to music that will only bore me and make things even worse.
I love old Arckanum and the first Sacramentum album. Those are probably my favorites. I don't like the generic blasturbation garbage like most Marduk, Funeral Mist, the new Nefandus and Ofermod albums and just about all the other more modern aggressive Swedish religious Satanic black metal bands.

This, plus Watain. I like Casus Luciferi to an extent, and Rabid Death's Curse is fine I suppose but seriously, this shit is annoying me now.
I admittedly haven't listened to some of those bands, but Bathory seems so incredibly obvious that I shouldn't even have to mention the name. :)
I love old Arckanum and the first Sacramentum album. Those are probably my favorites. I don't like the generic blasturbation garbage like most Marduk, Funeral Mist, the new Nefandus and Ofermod albums and just about all the other more modern aggressive Swedish religious Satanic black metal bands.

Marduk through Nightwing was actually a good band.

Anyways, I think you guys should check out Tuman if you've not already. One of my favorite modern BM acts. Transilvanian Dreams is a nice mixture of DMDS and TH. Really vicious shit, but there are the occasional nice brooding moments that mix it up.
Mefisto who I mentioned btw, more people should really check them out, too bad even the compilation of their demos is hard to find, they did some really groundbreaking stuff. Remember that this was recorded in 1986, I love this stuff.
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I have another good one for you all that is long forgotten: Niden Div. 187. :cool: I know MP will back me up on this. Throne of Ahaz is cool too of course.
Yeah it is. Production is a little meh but the writing is quite good, and it's usually very cheap to purchase so it's totally worthwhile to look out for. A few more good SweBM bands: Octinomos, Svartsyn, Ophthalamia, Vinterland (seconded, forgot about Welcome My Last Chapter somehow?!)