Black Metal.

Hehe, there are alot of swedish melodic black/death metal that can be mentioned, like Decameron, Cardinal Sin, The Moaning, Noctes, Swordmaster, etc.

How about early Lord Belial or early Dark Funeral? :p I'm not a fan myself but It could be worse (like the later stuff by both bands).
I was listening to Svartsyn's The True Legend the other day and it seriously has the worst production I have ever heard. Completely ruins what otherwise sounds like pretty good stuff.

I absolutely love Cardinal Sin's Spiteful Intents EP. Sounds like a forgotten Dissection release. And yeah, all the others you mentioned are good too, though that Decameron album should be a lot shorter, epsecially considering how downhill it goes towards the end of the album.
I had completely forgotten about Vinterland. I have never owned the album but I have a friend who always used to play it in his car, I remember it was one of the few second wave bands I thought sounded really great, the songs had own personalities unlike most other of that stuff. I think I'm gonna look it up. We used to laugh at the singers "village idiot" dialect in the Swedish song though.
though that Decameron album should be a lot shorter, epsecially considering how downhill it goes towards the end of the album.
I agree on this, especially since the first track is so much more mindblowing and greater than the rest imo, it gets kinda disappointing as a whole. Not a bad release though. :)
Just remembered another good SweBM band I need to hear a lot more from (like...something other than Celebration of the Four)...Nåstrond
A lot of people I talk to think Gothic metal is the same as Black Metal.

I guess the main difference is that gothic metal doesn't usually use screaming vocals.
Well, its ONE of them. There are tons of others. Lyrical themes, stage makeup, vocalists (a lot of goth metal bands have chick vocalists, i.e Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation etc.), pace, instruments involved, amount of distortion on the guitars, what tuning the guitars are in; the list is endless. They're totally different genres.
I don't like the generic blasturbation garbage like most Marduk, Funeral Mist, the new Nefandus and Ofermod albums and just about all the other more modern aggressive Swedish religious Satanic black metal bands.

I like some of the "blasturbatory" black metal such as Funeral Mist, Anteaus, and Katharsis. I don't feel Marduk have ever done this style well, and I get the irony of enjoying Funeral Mist at the same time. I will say that I enjoy old, melodic Marduk It all comes down to the atmosphere for me I guess. Some bands just blast for the sake of being heavy, while others make it a very important part of the atmosphere.

edit: Just finished reading the new posts and realized the conversation was about generic Swedish black metal. Sorry.
I realized that when I made the post but left it since they do fit the excessively fast, noisy, and unpleasant sounding category of the bands I mentioned and figured seperating them would just be nitpicking. Plus I'm practically dying from the heat and can't really get my thoughts together, hence the mistake with the topic.
/me np: Marblebog - [Forestheart #02] I Am the Forest Heart [1:23 / 8:16]

:) Loved this album when it first came out, still do today, though I often forget about it. Nice treat when I do happen to come across it though.

Btwwww Andy, check out Tuman. Members of Marblebog are in the band!
New Graveland is excellent. It was just as expected, darken didn't really deviate from 'will stronger than death' so i consider this to be an expansion to that album, but it's very well crafted with a slight epic feel to it.
The next album should be great.