Black Metal.

I only have their Ruun, Isa, Below the Lights and Monumention. How are the earlier ones?

You really can't go wrong with Enslaved. The earlier albums were a rawer form of Black Metal than they make now, and as the years went by more and more influences you hear on the albums you have become apparent.
I reccomend the Israeli band Melechesh, particularly their latest album Emissaries, to anyone who likes punishing black metal with a middle eastern flavor.
Hordanes Land,I love that. I listen to the Enslaved on it more than the Emperor. Good stuff.

I like the Thorns vs. Emperor split better, though.

Edit-My Emperor shirt has the horseman on the cover of Hordanes Land :kickass:

(and a giant inverted pentagram on the back, featuring all the guys from Emperor in corpse paint in the background)

"Allfadr Odin" is an amazing song. Love that keyboard part.
Nah. That would have been peach, though.

I'm still QUITE elated about Enslaved.. which my 'recently played tracks' list apparently depicts. lol :D