Black Metal.

Are there any bands that take after Immortal's Pure Holocaust style? I just put it on for a spin again after the longest time and realized just how unique it is, and that I don't think I've heard any bands really take a musical influence from it.

Rimfrost - A Frozen World Unknown

This band is very influenced by Immortal but they're swedish, this album is great in my opinion.

Marduk are pretty terrible. I've never understood the big fuss over them.

People who believe Marduk sucks and/or produce only generic blastbeast crap are ignorant. Marduk used to be a melodic black metal band back in days and they produced at least 3 masterpieces: Those of the Unlight, Opus Nocturne and Nightwing. That's why they're still popular these days. Give those a chance.
I really have to check them (him?) out. And since we are on the subject and I don't feel like making a whole thread about it, what is some good depressive/suicidal black metal similar to Nyktalgia?

So everybody needs to check out Ast by Skagos. The one review of it on MA gave it a 100%, which I thought was bold, but after having listened to the first couple of tracks, I must agree it is a pretty amazing album. Definitely a solid contender in the midst of other great albums released this year

So everybody needs to check out Ast by Skagos. The one review of it on MA gave it a 100%, which I thought was bold, but after having listened to the first couple of tracks, I must agree it is a pretty amazing album. Definitely a solid contender in the midst of other great albums released this year

I agree this is some great stuff. I remember at first the drummer was a bit distracting in his playing, it seemed like he was messing up with the blasting sections. Now, I don't notice it as much. Great songwriting on this, check it out everyone!