Black Metal.

What other Mutiilation and French black metal albums/bands would I like since I liked what I heard off Black Millenium?

Try these :

Mutiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Vlad Tepes/Torgeist - Black Legions Metal (I stick to the Vlad Tepes part only)
Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March
Vlad Tepes - La Morte Lune (the better sounding version)
Black Murder - Feasts ( version II if you find it)
Vermyapre Kommando - Vermyapre Kommando
'legends of evil and eternal death' isn't even fit to lick the boots of SMRC. we're talking really nice, solid BM with a decent amount of nuance and atmosphere vs stuff that tears into new realms and casts a spell and fucking burns into your consciousness. i wonder if many of you will still be listening to hirilorn in a few years (i know i haven't done so all that much after raving about them a few years back), and whether given some effort SRMC would hit you and stay with you. yeah it's a tad flabby round the edges (not as much so as people like to claim) and kind of pretentious, but stuff this wild and ambitious often ends up that way.

I can't say that I agree. I originally didn't really like Hirilorn or Deathspell Omega's older music nearly as much as I enjoyed their later work. Now it's totally opposite, as my taste has gradually shifted.

The only one of the new modern "orthodox" black metal bands that I really listen to anymore is Averse Sefira.

old school Pelican

this probably goes in the rec forum, but I'm trying to find bands similar to the black/death sound of Angelcorpse.

Spearhead is said to sound similar to Angelcorpse, but I don't care about either and I didn't like the clicky drums on Spearhead's Decrowning the Irenarch.
Oh fuck yes!

Apr 29th, 2009

Upcoming release: "Microcosmos" (CD digipak and limited box set)
Release date: June 22nd, US July 14th

Season of Mist's Underground Activists division will see its fifth release unleashed on June 22nd. Here are the artwork and tracklisting of DRUDKH's new album "Microcosmos":

1. Минулі Дні / Days That Passed
2. Далекий Крик Журавлів / Distant Cries Of Cranes
3. Декаданс / Decadence
4. Ars Poetica
5. Все, Що Не Сказано Раніше / Everything Unsaid Before
6. Вдовина Скорбота / Widow's Grief

The fans will notice that the nocturnal landscapes as well as colours of the layout are a bit unusual for the band, but perfectly fit with the aura of the album.

Watch out for the exclusive box set, strictly limited to 500 copies worldwide, and available soon for pre-order on Season of Mist's e-shop!
I listened to that Skagos album today. It doesn't seem to go anywhere and it doesn't stand out from hundreds of other new black metal bands. It sounds like it was recorded just for the sake of it with no real thought put into making it exciting or different.
Oh fuck yes!

Apr 29th, 2009

Upcoming release: "Microcosmos" (CD digipak and limited box set)
Release date: June 22nd, US July 14th

Season of Mist's Underground Activists division will see its fifth release unleashed on June 22nd. Here are the artwork and tracklisting of DRUDKH's new album "Microcosmos":

God damn that's some good news. Let's hope it's a step up form Estrangement though. How was Anti-Urban by the way? I never heard it. Was it better than Estrangement?
No, Anti-Urban ruled. Possibly because it was good at 33 RPM and 45 RPM, maybe by accident. The songs at 33 RPM were not like any black metal I know, and those worked extremely well as a result.

Estrangement was ok. Not as bad as some have suggested, but it wasn't bad. Still not as good as most of their albums.
How many of you are going to get the new Velvet Cacoon? FMP is going to start taking pre-orders for this on the 15th. Personally I'm interested in hearing this album but I'm in no position at the moment to be ordering new music.
Oh fuck yes!

Apr 29th, 2009

Upcoming release: "Microcosmos" (CD digipak and limited box set)
Release date: June 22nd, US July 14th

Season of Mist's Underground Activists division will see its fifth release unleashed on June 22nd. Here are the artwork and tracklisting of DRUDKH's new album "Microcosmos":

1. Минулі Дні / Days That Passed
2. Далекий Крик Журавлів / Distant Cries Of Cranes
3. Декаданс / Decadence
4. Ars Poetica
5. Все, Що Не Сказано Раніше / Everything Unsaid Before
6. Вдовина Скорбота / Widow's Grief

The fans will notice that the nocturnal landscapes as well as colours of the layout are a bit unusual for the band, but perfectly fit with the aura of the album.

Watch out for the exclusive box set, strictly limited to 500 copies worldwide, and available soon for pre-order on Season of Mist's e-shop!
