Black Metal.

I didn't bear in mind the technical aspect. I call it wankery because it sounds weak, like post-rock, and boring because it lacks in quality. Rarely do I hear a good metal riff and rarely do they succed in creating a special atmosphere (more stuff like The First Snow would be pleasant).


I'm not willing to recommend you any black metal because of the fact that you have a Christian metal band's logo for an avatar.

Troll, but funny. Either way, Human still kicks ass.

A fucking rare CD.

WWII black metal, anyone?
Where does it say that asshole? I said thats what it fucking sounds like to me, so change my opinion on it, and you noobs aint doing a very good job, seeing as this is a black metal thread and i cant get some damn recommendations, so whats the point in this thread.

Use common sense, idiot. If you dislike a style of music, why come into a thread just to say that? I'm not a fan of power metal but I don't go posting in that thread spouting off stupid shit.

Also, read the read a little more closely. You'll find some great recs here and in the thread unknown posted. Stupid.
hey mort, I'm checking out that Altar of Plagues album. I'm digging the music, but the vocals do give it a post-hardcore feel. It's interesting stuff, but I'm not quick to call it black metal
Never did get into black metal much, just sounds like fast-straight boring drumming with someone screaming over it while being recorded as shittly as possible. To me anyway. I like some 1349, Absu, Darkthrone, Dimmu, Emperor, Gorgoroth, thats about it, anybody recommend anything?

funny, I feel the same way about power metal.
There's nothing remotely like post-rock in Drudkh's music, so that's a stupid comparison to even make.