Black Metal.

There's nothing remotely like post-rock in Drudkh's music, so that's a stupid comparison to even make.


And as far as Bathory is concerned, my favorite will always be Blood Fire Death. It was the first Bathory album I ever heard so it has a special place in my heart.
post-rock is gay.

How so? Slint is better than a huge chunk of metal bands, but I guess anyone who says 'post-rock is gay' really wouldn't even know who Slint is. Now by no means do I enjoy a lot of post-rock, in fact I'm really not into it at all, but Slint is probably better than 90% of what you listen too.
perhaps you should make or search for a post-rock discussion thread

just an idea

on a side note, I'm really digging the new The Morningside's really good stuff
The new 1349 is boring :( They seem to have gone to the ambient/industrial route and left out all the aggression.
Anyone here like Wolves in the throneroom, twilight, waitain, dark fortress, nachtmystium, deathspell omega, marduk, urgehal, immortal, dissection, burzum, leviathan, enslaved, nifelheim, lord belial, abigail williams, craft, naglfar, gorgoroth, emperor, behexen, satyricon, hellhammer, funeral mist, or tsjuder? all I can think of atm, more on my ipod though.
Anyone here like Wolves in the throneroom, twilight, waitain, dark fortress, nachtmystium, deathspell omega, marduk, urgehal, immortal, dissection, burzum, leviathan, enslaved, nifelheim, lord belial, abigail williams, craft, naglfar, gorgoroth, emperor, behexen, satyricon, hellhammer, funeral mist, or tsjuder? all I can think of atm, more on my ipod though.
All bold ones are good.
All bold ones are good.
In your opinion, in my opinion some are better than others too, those are just a small amount of BM on my ipod (got the 120gb over halfway filled with all sorts of metal lol), seems you don't like much USBM..? :(
The new 1349 is boring :( They seem to have gone to the ambient/industrial route and left out all the aggression.

To me the album just seems really pointless. I think it's cool if they want to experiment but the problem is that it's just a very weak album and there's really nothing remotely interesting about it. The production sounds really awful too.
@ SNap
That's probably because you expect what I call "action riffs", i.e riffs that grab you directly and get your adrenaline up. Enslaved is different, to get into them it's best not to do anything else while listening, lie down and concentrate, because there's a huge reward. Don't listen for single riffs, try to listen to the whole songs.
Why don't we just drop it and continue the thread?


Awesome or awesome?
Contains a lot of his best single songs, but not his best "album"...I think I've held this opinion for like 4 years straight now.