Black Metal.

Statement of Hupogrammos and Sol Faur (Negura Bunget)

This statement is signed by Sol Faur and myself (Hupogrammos). Our aim is to shed light on the recent developments in relation to Negura Bunget. We also want to prevent further abuse of the name Negura Bunget and our past activities. Our decision should be well understood and fans and media have a right to be correctly informed of the current development. We owe this to the public and Negura Bunget itself. There is no intention to turn this into a personal issue between us and our former drummer Negru. We do not wish to create a public scandal, but a line has been crossed and it is time now to stand up and fight for what we believe in.

With the last "official" Negura Bunget statement, things went too far. The selfish and greedy acts of a single person are doing too much harm. We cannot accept how our issues were presented to the world. In truth our gesture to step aside from the band was generated by the selfish behavior of our drummer Negru and by his lack of ability to connect, to work in a team as well as by his lack of honesty.

We initially intended to remain silent on the reasons of our split. We all agreed to end our joined work and to release a simple and unspectacular statement to the press in order to prevent our personal animosity to become part of the story. It was agreed by all that none of the members would use the name "Negura Bunget" ever again in the future since the band as an entity was comprised by all three of its members. Negru's act of making a public statement that is completely different from what has been agreed upon proves once more a total lack of respect for the other members of our and his own band. It proves his honor to be questionable as his acts are serving only his personal interest.

Our own statement, which we had sent to Negru for approval and adjustment, looked like this:

“After fifteen years of experience in the metal scene Negura Bunget decided to end its activity. Negru will continue with his own project called Din Brad, while Hupogrammos and Sol Faur will continue the direction of the band under a different name that will be announced at a later date. The band would like to thank everybody, who supported and believed in Negura Bunget and invites you to follow our further musical activities.”

Unfortunately we did not have the chance to see his final statement before it was sent. We were unable to change or to prevent it from becoming public in that form. Being in charge of all the logistic part of our work (i.e. all our contacts, our Myspace page, our official website, our newsletter and activities of Negura Music) Negru was entitled to send our statement to the media and to the public. However, he didn't consult us before posting a statement that did not care about our opinion, even though his statement makes believe this was a mutual decision.

We think that it would have been much more natural, peaceful and wise decision, if he would have simply continued his musical activities under a new name or under the name "Din Brad". In this regard we would like to express our deepest regret and disappointment that two of our guest musicians, whom we collaborated with during the last years, accepted to join his sham. Nevertheless we consider it to be very inappropriate for them to continue performing songs that were composed by those members leaving the band. It is truly sad to see that the band is now becoming a personal business for our former drummer. He never was and he will never be Negura Bunget by himself. If this is the spiritual endeavor which he is talking about, then this is a serious insult to the very name of Negura Bunget and an unforgivable contradiction to the cultural and spiritual concepts that Negura Bunget was standing for during all these years. It means an injury to us, the past members that dedicated 15 years of their lives to support and sustain an elevated path. It means an injury to anybody, who believed in what we were doing and maybe most of all it is a wounding of Spirit and Transcendence, the path that Negura Bunget was honored to dedicate its very existence to.

We, Sol Faur and Hupogrammos, who have composed nearly all music and written the lyrics of and for Negura Bunget herewith, declare that this band is dead. Any continuation of it just means a sham and a fake in our eyes.
While I was away I did finally get Enslaved's entire catalog... All I can say is mmmmm....

And has anyone else heard Dodsferd's 'Suicide-And The Rest of Your Kinds Will Follow'? I'm listening to it now for the first time. Pretty damn good.
"It means an injury to anybody, who believed in what we were doing and maybe most of all it is a wounding of Spirit and Transcendence, the path that Negura Bunget was honored to dedicate its very existence to.
We, Sol Faur and Hupogrammos, who have composed nearly all music and written the lyrics of and for Negura Bunget herewith, declare that this band is dead. Any continuation of it just means a sham and a fake in our eyes."

so I'm listening to Borgne's latest album, IV, and it seems pretty solid so far. The band has received a fair amount of comparisons to Darkspace, Paysage d'Hiver and other ambient/industrial stalwarts of the genre. The samples on their myspace aren't very good. But if you're into those kinds of bands (and I know a number of you are), this album might be worth checking out for you. Lots of ambient, industrial and symphonic stuff going on.
Xasthur's new record is weird. At first listen I'd say it holds more promise than Defective Epitaph, while still sounding rather similar to that. There's an abundance of influence from Elysian Blaze, which make up the best parts of the album. Of course, this just makes me want to listen to Elysian Blaze. Song structures seem vague and interludes come and go. Very loose sounding, certainly aided in that regard by the absence of the drum program, which can't help but make a band sound rigid at times. Gone are the more traditional keyboard based interludes and intros of previous works. Vocals tend towards spoken, whispered, or chanted parts rather than his typical screams. I get the sense Malefic is pushing himself to do different things. There's often the perception that all Xasthur albums are the same, but the last two have taken quite a turn in a different direction, just not always in the smoothest fashion. I kind of see Xasthur having three periods, and at the end of each is when he tends to master that approach. The Funeral of Being was first to really find a unique voice, with the disturbing atmosphere that really gave off rot and decay without ever obscuring the melodies. Subliminal Genocide was the last of the middle era, and it easily exceeded the past few works in terms of aesthetics and quality. I don't think all the kinks have been worked out in this newer style just yet. It's a big shift to go from that wall of sound mix in the earlier works to such a deliberately sparse one currently.
paragraphs help

Skies: Mort and I are really digging the Altar of Plagues record...the only thing that isn't really working too much for me yet are the hardcore-ish vocals, but it isn't that big of a deal. The only other black metal releases this year I've been wild about have been Cobalt and Fen. I'm still listening to the new Code, and it sounds pretty promising. There's also a new The Morningside demo which I've been trying to pimp as much as I can
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Skies: Mort and I are really digging the Altar of Plagues record...the only thing that isn't really working too much for me yet are the hardcore-ish vocals, but it isn't that big of a deal. The only other black metal releases this year I've been wild about have been Cobalt and Fen. I'm still listening to the new Code, and it sounds pretty promising. There's also a new The Morningside demo which I've been trying to pimp as much as I can

Just heard the new Fen today, I'm starting to dig it.
Wall of text about Xasthur
I agree with you man. I still need to give the new one another listen but I did get the sense that he's working on a new style and slowly figuring what works and what doesn't. Even though he hasn't quite figured it out I love Xasthur enough that I can still enjoy it. Even Defective Epitaph had its moments. The one thing I disagree with you about is that I think Nocturnal Poisoning is probably the best of the early style.
Here's a pretty good sample off that Borgne album I was raving about earlier. Make sure you watch/listen to the clip in HQ...sound is much better. Zeph...:

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