Black Metal.

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Skies: Mort and I are really digging the Altar of Plagues record...the only thing that isn't really working too much for me yet are the hardcore-ish vocals, but it isn't that big of a deal. The only other black metal releases this year I've been wild about have been Cobalt and Fen. I'm still listening to the new Code, and it sounds pretty promising. There's also a new The Morningside demo which I've been trying to pimp as much as I can

Whiskey told me to check out Fen. I listened to them a long while ago and can hardly remember what they sound like. Will look into it.

Is the new Foscor out yet?

Here's a pretty good sample off that Borgne album I was raving about earlier. Make sure you watch/listen to the clip in HQ...sound is much better. Zeph...:

Really enjoying this
Whiskey told me to check out Fen. I listened to them a long while ago and can hardly remember what they sound like. Will look into it.

Fen basically sounds like a more metal Agalloch. Really good stuff.

Is the new Foscor out yet?
It's supposed to be out. Haven't heard it yet, but I definitely intend to!

and yeah...that Borgne album is really good. really came out of nowhere and surprised the hell out of me
It's a bit different. More melodic or something... But it's still Bann. I seriously love it. You can check their new full tracks on myspace.
However, books usually have something interesting to say. I doubt that many people here care enough about Xasthur to be willing to spend the time to read such an overlong statement about his new album.

I do seeing that the new album is an interesting piece of music.
And why even snap at something as trival as a body of text on a message board about Xasthur?
Fen is phenomenal, the tracks with the cringeworthy clean vocals notwithstanding :erk: They just need some singing lessons and they'll be all set :) Everything else about the album is tremendous.

Haha, SERIOUSLY! What was up with that? If I was in the band I would not let those vocals make it onto the master. That totally killed the album for me.
I decided I wanted to listen to Negura's 'Om'. Haven't listened to them in a bit, and now that I am, I'm suddenly very very sad that they're done... It's such a good fucking album.
Yeah, i've been listening to Austere's latest album too recently, and it's fuckin awesome. Definitely a top 10 contender.