Black Metal.

I think Pest's (GER) new release wasn't mentioned yet. What a fantastic album! Here, listen for yourself :

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I just got a bunch of albums yesterday, but right now I'm listening to Zemial-'For The Glory Of Ur'. I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Anyone else?

One of my favourite albums. Ever. I actually prefer it over In Monumentum. Great riffs and the vocals are just pure fucking evil. Can't get enough of Gathering Under the Red Moon. Be sure to check out Face of the Conqueror as well.
yeah. i used to buy into it too but over time a lot of it started to sound a bit amateurish and awkward to me. i do like quite a few countess albums though, just wouldn't have them anywhere near a best of list.
I'm definitely not saying they are terrible. But I agree in that they have a lot of awkward, amateur moments. They bust out some delicious jams though.
Oh, this is an awesome news.

The Cult of Negation Arise...

Nocturnal Depression will enter on a pro-studio this time to record an advance track from "Cult of Negation". This song is called "Disturbing Psalm IV - Dead Children". People roaming on venues during the Haunting Europe Tour has already heard it.

The track will appear on the split vinyl with Kaiserreich in an edit version of 7 minutes.

"Dead Children" will be also the brand new videoclip for ND. The video will be made by L.Lokhraed. Expect something totally different from our previous clip. Disturbing, horror and suffocating ambiant.

For "Cult of Negation" you will discover a ND a bit different. This time most of the scores were written and composed by Lord Lokhraed and arranged with the band. I (H.Suizid) decided to let these disturbing minds to perform and create an illustration of a concept. "Cult of Negation" is the face of the society (French?) we're into. Expect something more darker with the ND despair sounds.

Here is the Tracklist :

Disturbing Psalm I - They...
Disturbing Psalm II - We're all better off Dead
Disturbing Psalm III - Home Asylum
Disturbing Psalm IV - Dead Children
Disturbing Psalm V - The Cult of Negation Arise