Black Metal.

Yes, he rips off Mayhem's Deathcrush on hmmm :-? which song was that I think True Blackness or something, Ghoul on 666, Absurd's Werwolf, Emperor's My Empire's Doom, Beherit's Nocturnal Evil and probably many more my feeble memory couldn't tell.

Interesting, I'll have to relisten to the songs in question and try to pick out the ripped off parts.
Haha I just read an interview with Bone Awl today that had a similar question, but it was about what the point of limited releases are and so on. In there case its just because theres a limited pool of buyers/listeners but obviously with Sunn its a bit different, hehe.

Anyways it'd be great if you would post the interview, its cool that he did it at least.

I don't have a transcript of the interview by itself, only the whole story which I will send you.
I haven't played a black metal release like I have Aasdgoihasdghexekul's 'Demo Noire' in a long time.
Anyone else lucky enough to have come across this gem?
Both tracks from the demo are on youtube at any rate:

(the demo is also on my blog for download)

I also stumbled across the band Feos the other day, checked out a couple of releases and it seems like another great find.

It's even better when you're not being distracted by the embarassing fan video.

Considering how picky I am and that I wasn't even looking for black metal, these have been a couple of wonderfinds.

I haven't really been keeping up to date with the BM scene recently so I don't know how big these two are, they seem quite 'trendy' as I found them both featured on non-metal blogs. I'd like to think I can still spot a good BM release when I hear one though.
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So I noticed nobody's said anything about the new Arckanum release, "ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ". Well, I will! It's fantastic and some really solid black metal, which is standard for Arckanum. This could be a top 10 contender for me.
So I noticed nobody's said anything about the new Arckanum release, "ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ". Well, I will! It's fantastic and some really solid black metal, which is standard for Arckanum. This could be a top 10 contender for me.

Yeah man the new Arckanum album is surprisingly good.