Black Metal.

Vlad Tepes > Mütiilation > Belketre > Torgeist imo. But all of them are up there except for maybe Torgeist who while good are clearly worse than the other three. And yeah most of the bands have stuff that aren't top notch but that goes for lots of other great bands so I don't hold it against them.
3 new profantica songs posted online.

this is fucking great, except for the shitty plastic drumming. (although somewhat improved from "Profanatitas De Domonatia" holy fuck at "Pious Piece Of Shit" didn't think they could write songs as evil as "betrayal of the lamb" but damn! Sounds like they are going for that doomier vibe they had on last song from profanatitas..
Those splits are beautiful. I'm not saying the new one is better, but overall, it's really quite good. A lot of newer material from suicidy bands have had 'disjointed' moments, so I'm used to it. And it's not so overwhelmingly apparent that you can't enjoy it.
3 new profantica songs posted online.

this is fucking great, except for the shitty plastic drumming. (although somewhat improved from "Profanatitas De Domonatia" holy fuck at "Pious Piece Of Shit" didn't think they could write songs as evil as "betrayal of the lamb" but damn! Sounds like they are going for that doomier vibe they had on last song from profanatitas..

Profanatica=evil dirty Christ murder incarnate. Which is not a bad thing, I assure you.
Dude the new album has the best song titles ever. "Smashing Religious Fucking Statues" had me laughing.

Bass sounds too loud on "Black Cum" and the pacing is a little stupid and I agree about the drum samples Ledney chose for it. "Pious Piece of Shit" sounds fucking awesome though.
I like what they have so far. The drums are a little silly, I agree. But still filthy. And I looked at the song titles. My belly hurts from the laughter HAHAHAHAHAH! Nah, but they are funny.

The new Arckanum is just fantastic. Just about to start the final track, and every song kept my attention. Just fantastic. Fuck Antikosmos. This more than makes up for it.
listening to some good stuff today that I haven't listened to in a while: Nox Intempesta and Raate...both of which should release new stuff. Getting hungry

edit: er, Nox Intempesta should get back together and then put out new stuff. all the other cool kids are doing it!

You do know he got sick of that project and is now doing Necros Christos right?

Even in this internet age Nox Intempesta still gets zero recognition.
yeah I know he's involved with Necros Christos, which is really amazing stuff...I don't know, I guess I was being nostalgic. If Mors doesn't want to do something anymore, that's his business, and I, as a fan, have to live with it.