Black Metal.

I think they only have one full length, Triune Impurity Rites. check that one out. I consider them more death metal, though. very similar to Incantation. good stuff but I was late and missed out on picking up said album. bummer. might have to wait for the reissue which might not happen until 5 years from now.
i would start with either Grave Damnation or Black Mass Desecration. has their best work imo. Triune Impurity Rites is great stuff also, but i prefer their older stuff.
are those full lengths or EPs? either way, I'll check them out

in the meantime, here's my modified black metal list

It's their demo/Ep's.

The Grave Damnation was rereleased on MCD format and its still available in some places.

The Black Mass Desecration was also rereleased on MCD as a split with goat molestor. Good look finding that, however.

I love my necros christos/goat molestor split. :kickass:

Get it all.

prett much this, yeah.
Has anyone heard anything about the new Shining yet? I thought it was supposed to be released 2 days ago, but it looks like its not available anywhere and I haven't even seen it over the net. I'm hoping this doesn't mean another push back.
Have any of you heard the "new" Bethlehem w/ Kvarforth from Shining doing vocals? It's pretty terrible. Not like I was expecting anything good from this band considering they haven't released anything worth my time in forever but still, this is a joke. For once, I actually agree with a review posted on m-a. Here's part of that review:

It will take you approximately 35 seconds to realize why this album deserved such a low score, and it will then take you approximately 6 minutes to realize why you will never listen to this again.

This was to be a reworked version of the s.u.i.z.i.d. album, which was fine to begin with, and yet aside from the vocals, nothing is different at all. The music sounds very poorly edited in some brief parts, but otherwise it sounds the same except albeit flat and emptier than the original. The atmosphere is somehow gone, though the actual recording is fine. I wouldn't even say the music is bad at all, there just isn't anything new to report of it that hasn't already said about the original.

But the number one issue here is the vocals.

Kvarforth. WHY.

Kvarforth is perfect for Shining, because the music is written in accordance to the juxtaposing of his voice and the flow of Swedish lyrics, so he sounds natural and appropriate during his own songs. Bethlehem is a German band and all of these songs were originally in German, but I suppose to accommodate his inability to speak German, Kvarforth sings the songs in English, which though at times may retain the same meaning, the songs do not match the music in the same way as they did before, and so as a result, the performances sound awkward and unsure of themselves at times. There are several times when there are these vocal sounds that just appear to try to fill space; sometimes it is a series of faint quivering whispers or just inexplicable sounds, but it doesn't sound dark and evil in any way, it just sounds retarded, out of place, and 100% forced.

None, but I assume they are working on something since they got a new guitarist, Hell-I0-Kabbalus.

Yeah, I could have sworn that I saw something about a 2009 release but I forgot where I saw it.

Anyways, Anyone else think that Mayhem should re-make Chimera with Attila on vocals? I recently saw them live and IMO Attila's version of "My Death" is the only way to do that song.