Black Metal.

He's really consistent, I've found definite enjoyment from pretty much everything I've heard by that guy, but In Arms of Kurpian Phantom is my definite favorite.
Prelude to Dying is probably my favorite, but I agree that all his work is solid. Blakagir is enjoyable as well.
so I'm listening to Acherontas right now, and it's pretty good stuff. Well executed black metal...they are from Greece (I checked to make sure before typing that). The only part that bugged me is the first track, on the first full length, is taken from The Fountain soundtrack, and I don't think any credit is really given...otherwise it's a pretty stellar release
So as far as the 2009 BM I've heard goes I probably now have to rank it as:

Cobalt - Gin
Altar of Plagues - White Tomb
Graveland - Spears of Heaven
Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With The Stars
Beherit - Engram
Njiqahdda - Alkas Nortii Maane Solbaartu - Aski

Wyrd - Kalivägi

Still have to listen to skaldic curse - world suicide machine and i shalt become - the pendle witch trials
Listened to some things lately. Chaos Moon - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond was pretty good actually. A few pretty cool songs in there. A little keyboardy in spots but not too gay.

Trist (Ger) - Willenskraft was solid. I maybe like it better than the previous album. More mid-paced and chunky, with interspersed ambient wave noises.
That Altar of Plagues album is fucking amazing, I love it. Not as much as Blut Aus Nord's new one though.