Black Metal.

Haven't heard it yet, need to soon though. Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells will be hard to top though.
Haven't heard it yet, need to soon though. Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells will be hard to top though.
Haven't heard it yet, need to soon though. Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells will be hard to top though.
Might not compare to older material, but it's still good. How many bands put out that many albums and have newer material that compares to their classics? Darkthrone's last few are nothing to TH and UAFM; New Mayhem doesn't compare to De Mysteriis; New Hypocrisy albums are nothing to the first few; but they're all good.
Might not compare to older material, but it's still good. How many bands put out that many albums and have newer material that compares to their classics? Darkthrone's last few are nothing to TH and UAFM; New Mayhem doesn't compare to De Mysteriis; New Hypocrisy albums are nothing to the first few; but they're all good.

I was referring to all of Drudkh's work aside from Forgotten Legends. But yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you about older bands releasing new material.
I still don't think they actually stole it, they just claimed to do it, made up a band and put the music out under that different name, then claimed to steal it.
New Drudkh is better than Estrangement, but clearly doesn't touch FL. It's more similar to BIOW, by virtue of heavily borrowing ideas from it. But as I think someone else said, they cleaned up the issues with Estrangement, like the shoddy drumming/drum sound, and general production. This one has more of a bright, lush sound than anything of theirs since AA. Borders on being a bit too clean almost.

For the millionth time, none of VC's black metal material that was formally released was stolen. They do atmosphere better than just about anyone, so there's promise in their releases even if the writing isn't as good as on Genevieve. I'm more optimistic for this October release than the one that just came out.