Black Metal.

Pull your head out of your ass. You're not a VC fan and some of us are. That doesn't give you or anyone else for that matter the right to carry on and on about them. We get it. You don't enjoy their music. Leave it at that and don't bash others for liking them.
Pull your head out of your ass. You're not a VC fan and some of us are. That doesn't give you or anyone else for that matter the right to carry on and on about them. We get it. You don't enjoy their music. Leave it at that and don't bash others for liking them.
Thanks for summing it up there Tara.

This has been on loop at my place all weekend. It's so full of awesome ambience and feeling.
I'm not even halfway through my first listen of Engram, and it's already abundantly obvious that this is a proper return to form. All of the critical ears who have said that nobody would have cared about this album if the Beherit logo wasn't on it are gravely mistaken. It's quite clear that nobody aside from Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance would have, or could have, ever made this album. This is hardly a rehashing of the Beherit pedigree, nor is it a capitalization upon the recent bestial black metal trend. This is a fresh listen, and anybody expecting Beherit to continue their legacy in the proper fashion by continuing to advance their musical spectrum will not be disappointed. Those who were hoping for a second Drawing Down the Moon thankfully will be, however.
The guy worships Satan. His opinion is void.
No he doesn't. I do. He's an atheistic Satanist (because that makes sense). :Smug:

Does anyone else find Craft's album Fuck the Universe a brilliantly dissonant masterpiece? Everyone I've spoken to about it thinks it's boring and minimalist.
I fucking love everything Craft has done. One of my favorite black metal bands, period. They're another one that gets the gay 'Darkthrone' worship tag. They're definitely better than that. Love 'em.

Satanism isn't about worshipping the devil, fuckwad.
Sure it is. That's why it's Satanism. See what my problem was in the 'hate' thread, people?
LaVeyan Satanism is simply not "Satanism", fuck. If you REALLY read his works, he's a theistic Satanist. But you couldn't say you worship Satan back then. Why would he caution users of magic, perform rituals, bla bla bla if he was an atheistic Satanist? what he did was promote Satanism so that those of us who do practice theistic Satanism can not be shunned. He was smart, but you sheep follow him like Jesus. "LaVeyan" Satanism is LaVeyan Satanism, not Satanism. It's about Satan as a deity, not a metaphor (which, again, was used that way simply because it was THAT taboo pre '60s). It was illegal in some places before LaVey, so he couldn't just jump the gun and say he worshipped Satan... Get a grip. LaVeyan Satanism, if followed blindly like it is, is simply philosophy, ok? Fuck.

EDIT: @youdontknowme: I'm not an Atheist. So your above statement is dumb. You're an "Atheistic Satanist". Think about it.

EDIT2: On topic: Watain's 'Sworn To The Dark' is actually not too bad on a few more listens. Nothing compared to the first two, but really not bad.
Stop talking about black metal, this thread is about how much we don't know about Satanism and other retarded subjects.