Black Metal.

I personally don't like WITTR that much. I have yet to check out their latest though. I think I've got Two Hunters somewhere in my cupboard.
^ Agreed. There are much better ambient records out there.

Favourite Black Ambient Records:
Darkspace - Darkspace I
Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve
Striborg - Ghostwoodlands
Darkspace - Darkspace II
Lurker of Chalice - Lurker of Chalice
Burzum - Hlidskjalf

Can anyone give me some more recs? I'm wondering whether or not I should check out Old Wainds...
Old Wainds is awesome. Not ambient by any means, but fucking good. For some more good ambient, check out Krohm, I Shalt Become, and Gris. Depressive/ambient. Whatever. They're good.
Schwärzung;8368258 said:
^ Agreed. There are much better ambient records out there.

Favourite Black Ambient Records:
Darkspace - Darkspace I
Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve
Striborg - Ghostwoodlands
Darkspace - Darkspace II
Lurker of Chalice - Lurker of Chalice
Burzum - Hlidskjalf

Can anyone give me some more recs? I'm wondering whether or not I should check out Old Wainds...

Well I think Darkspace III is their best record but you probably have that.
If you're into depressive, I've been digging Austere lately. Hated them at first, like them now.
Anyone like Khors? I really like The Flame of Eternity's Decline and Mysticism, haven't heard Cold.
Schwärzung;8370499 said:
I've only heard Cold. Takes a few listens to get the rewarding experience.

I'm probably gonna pick it up soon, I like the first and the latest, so I assume I'll like Cold too.