Black Metal.

I just thought of a few. Have you heard Thy Serpent (particularly the first 2 full-lengths), Morbid Anal Fog, or Gloomy Grim?

Wow, those bands names are bad. None of them are what I'm really looking for. I guess Night Conquers Day and all Mikael Bayusik projects are just one of those things that cant really be replicated.
I'm pretty sure Gloomy Grim is a half joke band. But they actually have some decent tunes, imo.
Agreed. I find that I can actually get into their latest.

But honestly, they need better covers. Desperately.


^ You have no idea how many times I've mentioned that album on this forum over the years and for some insane reason it just hasn't got the notice it deserves.

Looking past the ridiculous cover ( :lol: ), I'm sure some who frequent this thread might turn around and say "well, it's shit", but I really think this is quite a special and far too overlooked record. Not to mention it's on THR who imo are consistent with their high quality releases.

It breaks no ground, doesn't need to either. Nevertheless, it's an excellent piece of work, Hakan knows his shit and did well to sign Hekel to his label.

Fans of Burzum, Drudkh, Strid will love it ... basically, simple chords/arpeggios, with raw production and glass swallowing vocals. It's fucking outstanding.

Hekel has another album in the works, possible release this year.
I'll only listen to that if the album title translates to "The Deathfart." Otherwise I can't muster up the curiosity.
No one ever mentions Sorrow. Great sound on that album with the croaky bass the whole time. I also liked that they moved away from the overlong songs on that one too. Battlefields is great, of course.

Have you seen the live video? Intense.
I like Purity over Sorrow but oddly enough Sorrow is the only HF album I own (though I do have a shirt).

And yeah those live videos are great.

Btw isn't new Blood of Kingu gonna come out some time?