Black Metal.

Been listening to alot of swedish melodic black metal lately. Keeping in mind that Dawn/Sacramentum/Dissection are so highly regarded by some here I think it's kinda weird that nobody seems to even care at all about Cardinal Sin, Noctes, Algaion, Vinterland, Midvinter, Swordmaster, The Darksend, etc.
Been listening to alot of swedish melodic black metal lately. Keeping in mind that Dawn/Sacramentum/Dissection are so highly regarded by some here I think it's kinda weird that nobody seems to even care at all about Cardinal Sin, Noctes, Algaion, Vinterland, Midvinter, Swordmaster, The Darksend, etc.

Unanimated could fit that group of bands, right?

Their brand new one "In the Light of Darkness" sounds great, I'm enjoying it.
Yes, definitely a lot of Dissection in their sound;

I don't know their early albums, but both have been reissued and are available. If they are better than the new one, i'll check them out.
I bought the reissue of Ancient Got of Evil. It's more focused on the sharp, angular, melodic riffing of the early Swedish melodic death scene than the new stuff.
Unanimated could fit that group of bands, right?

Their brand new one "In the Light of Darkness" sounds great, I'm enjoying it.
Yeah they could, but mostly on 'In the Forest of the Dreaming Dead'. The stuff after is more melodic death. Didn't include them though as they are pretty well known too. 'Ancient God of Evil' is my favorite album with them.
I like Purity over Sorrow but oddly enough Sorrow is the only HF album I own (though I do have a shirt).

Btw isn't new Blood of Kingu gonna come out some time?

The rerelease of De Occulta Philosophia has been postponed until the 30th of sep or something like that and their new album will probably come out soon after that (hopefully). Then he will probs make a new Dark Age album and then back to Drudkh.
I've never really gotten what people see in Unanimated. Ancient God Of Evil has a few nice parts, but overall it sounds juvenile and heartless, almost Green Day thematic, moulded in a metal shape.
Been listening to alot of swedish melodic black metal lately. Keeping in mind that Dawn/Sacramentum/Dissection are so highly regarded by some here I think it's kinda weird that nobody seems to even care at all about Cardinal Sin, Noctes, Algaion, Vinterland, Midvinter, Swordmaster, The Darksend, etc.

Much appreciated list to check out. Thanks much.

Really dig melodic/symphonic black metal... but I dont know much of anything other than a few, Naglfar being my favorite so far. If anyone wanted to point out essential albums, it'd be very nice.

Something about melodic black metal captivates me the way melodic death metal never could...
Krow, you should check out Vesania if you haven't already. I was tempted to post them in your thread in the Band Recommendations Forum (requesting evil modern death metal). They're predominantly black metal, which is why I didn't post them, but they have a lot of death metal in their sound. They're also very symphonic, and very evil sounding. Their album God the Lux is phenomenal.

EDIT: a couple songs from God the Lux:

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Krow, you should check out Vesania if you haven't already. I was tempted to post them in your thread in the Band Recommendations Forum (requesting evil modern death metal). They're predominantly black metal, which is why I didn't post them, but they have a lot of death metal in their sound. They're also very symphonic, and very evil sounding. Their album God the Lux is phenomenal.

Maybe you're confusing me with someone else?

But thanks, nonetheless.
For some reason I was under the impression that you made that thread. It was divine torture's; I really have no idea why I thought it was you. Sorry about that!

But nonetheless, check out Vesania; they're awesome, and really melodic. I think you'll enjoy them.
divine torture and I share some (actually alot, I dare say) metal tastes, so I suppose it wouldnt be the biggest stretch anyway.
Saw Agalloch on Saturday. Quite pleased. No new material though. Good set, with Hallways Of Enchanted Ebony being the only real significant omission.

Setlist (approx., order might be off)
Dead Winter Days
As Embers Dress The Sky (abbreviated)
You Were But A Ghost In My Arms
In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion
Not Unlike The Waves
Falling Snow
The Lodge (deconstructed) + The Grain

Despite terrible sound during the first song or two, they got it together and played well. I think their setup was geared towards getting the sound of Ashes right. The earlier songs were not quite right. Disappointing that they shied away from extended acoustic parts, especially in leaving off the end of As Embers Dress the Sky, and parts of In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion.

Large crowd, but rather lame response. Too much of the stoic, too-cool-for-school bullshit. You can sit like a statue and listen to Agalloch at home. It's not like you can't move around a little to their music. Pleased that the crowd was not as hipstery as a WITTR crowd, which is what I feared it might be like. I'm sure the total lack of promotion for the show helped.
Pretty much the same setlist as when I saw them in Paris six months ago. I thought they made the common error of not-so-heavy metal bands, which is to try and be too heavy live, to the point where they neglect the atmosphere which makes them so great in the first place. Couldn't hear the vocals or acoustic guitars very well.