Black Metal.

Definitely a joke. The horrible cover in question is a past artwork done by Dennis Dread for some other band. With that being said, I don't have much hopes for Darkthrone's future albums. Dark Thrones and Black Flags is terrible.
Even if you hate the site, you have to admit they nailed it with that joke. Some of those titles are not THAT far fetched when it comes to post-BM (not the gay kind) Darkthrone.
So, Darkthrone has pre-black metal, black metal, and post-black metal. The pre is often overlooked, the bm is fantastic and loved, the post is crap. You know you're astounding when you can go through major shifts like that and people get excited more so with each it good or bad excitement.
Schwärzung;8551430 said:
The first one is my favourite. I highly recommend you start with that. Also, check out their -I demo.

If you begin to like Darkspace, I'd also recommend you get into Paysage d'Hiver (side project of one of the members).

1 and 3 are my favourites. I might just prefer 1 over 3 though. You can get their -1 demo for free on their website.

Paysage D'Hiver is a side project of the vocalist so they are worth checking out but loads of their stuff is just ambient tracks so if you are looking for Paysage D'Hiver ambient black metal check out the self titled demo. Ive uploaded 2 of the tracks to my youtube channel:
Anybody heard the Durthang/Hypothermia split? I really like the Durthang half. Hypothermia's was so badly underproduced I can barely tell what's going on. Too bad, cuz it sounds like it could be phenomenal.
No but you should get the NYCHTS/Wedard split from this year. Guarantee it's the best BM split you'll hear this year (you in particular, I know you like depressive/ambient BM). It's excellent...looking forward to much new stuff by NYCHTS.
I'm thinking about checking out Hypothermia, since they seem to be regarded in the same esteem as Gris, Trist, and other newer competent depressive BM acts. Anybody have any recommendations on where to start with them?
No but you should get the NYCHTS/Wedard split from this year. Guarantee it's the best BM split you'll hear this year (you in particular, I know you like depressive/ambient BM). It's excellent...looking forward to much new stuff by NYCHTS.

And I especially like Wedard. I'll check it out for sure.

As for Hypothermia, start with the EP Gratoner or the album Kold, imo.