Black Metal.

Is any Blut Aus Nord besides Ultima Thulee, both Memoria Vetustas, and The Work Which Transforms God worthwhile? I love the band to death right now but haven't brought myself to go any deeper into their discography because the rest of it seems to be met with a lot of bad reviews.

The albums you named are their best. IMO Memoria Vetusta II is their best album. Those are pretty much all you need, but Odinist and The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion are ok. Stay away from Mort though.
Ya I listened to the first track of MoRT and it wasn't very good. Initially seemed like it could be interesting but it went no further than that. Kinda repetitive and boring.
Never been a huge fan of Windir although certain individual songs of theirs I love, but I just downloaded their second demo, Det Gamle Riket after reading that it was supposedly great and it actually is. I know some of you think any downloading activity whatsoever is stealing and should be punishable by death but when it comes to demos I think it's not THAT unreasonable, especially obscure ones from almost 15 years ago. So to anyone who likes black metal and is not completely opposed to the idea of downloading an mp3 version of a fifteen year old demo of a now defunct band with a deceased lead singer, I highly recommend checking this one out.

EDIT: oh yeah, n00bs beware, the production job isn't everyone's cup of tea (although for a mid 90's black metal demo it's actually quite good)
Never been a huge fan of Windir although certain individual songs of theirs I love, but I just downloaded their second demo, Det Gamle Riket after reading that it was supposedly great and it actually is. I know some of you think any downloading activity whatsoever is stealing and should be punishable by death but when it comes to demos I think it's not THAT unreasonable, especially obscure ones from almost 15 years ago. So to anyone who likes black metal and is not completely opposed to the idea of downloading an mp3 version of a fifteen year old demo of a now defunct band with a deceased lead singer, I highly recommend checking this one out.

Ive been meaning to check out Windir for a while now so i decided to check thi demo out. I agree, it is totally awesome. I didnt find the quality a problem at all.
Never been a huge fan of Windir although certain individual songs of theirs I love, but I just downloaded their second demo, Det Gamle Riket after reading that it was supposedly great and it actually is. I know some of you think any downloading activity whatsoever is stealing and should be punishable by death but when it comes to demos I think it's not THAT unreasonable, especially obscure ones from almost 15 years ago. So to anyone who likes black metal and is not completely opposed to the idea of downloading an mp3 version of a fifteen year old demo of a now defunct band with a deceased lead singer, I highly recommend checking this one out.

EDIT: oh yeah, n00bs beware, the production job isn't everyone's cup of tea (although for a mid 90's black metal demo it's actually quite good)

Listening now and I agree, the quality is pretty decent for a mid 90's BM demo. I really like the harsh vocals. The cleans, not so much.