Black Metal.

I'm thinking about checking out Hypothermia, since they seem to be regarded in the same esteem as Gris, Trist, and other newer competent depressive BM acts. Anybody have any recommendations on where to start with them?
I don't know if Hypothermia is as good as either Gris or Trist, but it's alright. My favorite by him is probably Rakbladsvalsen.
No but you should get the NYCHTS/Wedard split from this year. Guarantee it's the best BM split you'll hear this year (you in particular, I know you like depressive/ambient BM). It's excellent...looking forward to much new stuff by NYCHTS.

Decided to check this out and i agree that it is an awesome split.
Just ordered the new Kroda album. I couldn't wait to hear it so i downloaded it also. Fucking great re-recordings and the 4 new songs are great also.
Been listening to a lot of Mysticum recently and found an interview from 04 that talks about Planet Satan and mentions a song "lucifer in the sky with demons"...
Does anyone know exactly if this band is active or split-up?
Is any Blut Aus Nord besides Ultima Thulee, both Memoria Vetustas, and The Work Which Transforms God worthwhile? I love the band to death right now but haven't brought myself to go any deeper into their discography because the rest of it seems to be met with a lot of bad reviews.