Black Metal.

I admit it's an overdone genre, but I think the standouts of the genre really are amazing. Thanks for the suggestions, looking things up now.
Let me check out my extensive list of DSBM.

Nocturnal Depression
Nihil Nocturne
Sombres Forets
Thy Light
Abyssic Hate
Make a Change... Kill Yourself
The only band of the style i can stand is pensees nocturnes. They mix wailing dsbm with classical music and its really interesting. Vacuum is the better of their two albums but its pretty impossible to find. (thanks brooks) grotesque is quality too though.

I checked out a few tracks on youtube, they are pretty damn good. I was worried that the classical intro would continue and be dominant throughout the whole song, but it doesn't. If anyone finds somewhere to buy this stuff online let me know.
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Their first album is fairly rare. Grotesque should be easier to find but its still limited. Vacuum was 1000 copies only and grotesques pressing was double that. I bought both from a poster here a while back and have never seen another copy of vacuum for sale again.
So I got this playlist on my itunes called "blackaroni and cheese" filled with lots of classic metally/thrashy black metal, often with cheesy keyboards and weird Euro-production. Basically stuff like Zemial or Master's Hammer or Night Conquers Day. Anyone got any recommendations for more blac and cheese?

Xasthur is pretty much all-around horrible. Same with Leviathan and any of that suicidal stuff. Forgotten Woods isn't bad iirc.
Whaaaaaaaat? Xasthur is fucking awesome, hell the split WITH Leviathan is goddamn amazing. I still rank Prison of Mirrors off of Subliminal Genocide as one of my favorite BM songs of all time.

Side note: blackgrind? That's kind of how I'd categorize Dragged Into Sunlight and I'd love to know what else is out there.
Whaaaaaaaat? Xasthur is fucking awesome, hell the split WITH Leviathan is goddamn amazing. I still rank Prison of Mirrors off of Subliminal Genocide as one of my favorite BM songs of all time.

Side note: blackgrind? That's kind of how I'd categorize Dragged Into Sunlight and I'd love to know what else is out there.

^ Crazy conicidence. Just checked out Dragged into Sunlight a couple hours ago on youtube--- I liked what I heard and considered posting about it here. Very intense stuff with a blackened feel; had thought it was closer to death metal than anything, but future listens may change that view. I knew I should've paid more attention when a friend of mine a couple years back showed me the album cover to their lone CD before buying it; I like the artwork's interesting take on an otherwise somewhat cliched concept...

Horrible title for a horrible track. If this is what they are putting out these days they must be losing it.

Nah, their creative well is far from running dry--- that track is a grower, and so is the rest of the Drought EP. Most won't agree with this, but this band has been on a steady, intriguing creative run from Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice onward.
Finally got my hands on Borknagar - Urd.


For the most part, I found the post-ICX Vortex period pretty boring and same-same, despite being a massive Vintersorg fan. The albums didn't suck, I just found them flat, and the production seemed to drown out any colour from the sound. Empiricism was the best of that period imo.

I had low expectations for Urd. But suffice to say, I'm shocked. This is a hellof an album. Who would've thought they could produce something so stellar, and take things up to a whole new level, after 15-17 odd years?

I'm going to be checking out that new Dodsengel album, Imperator. I've read a few reviews and they all seem to be really good. I've been so out of touch with new music that I've missed out on so many new releases.

Also liking the new Deathspell Omega EP, but I think I'll need to listen to it a few more times to form a better opinion.
^^ The new Dødsengel is most definitely fantastic :kickass:

Nah, their creative well is far from running dry--- that track is a grower, and so is the rest of the Drought EP. Most won't agree with this, but this band has been on a steady, intriguing creative run from Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice onward.

It is kind of difficult to judge an album (or EP) based on a LQ youtube sample track, but it seemed like a watered down Paracletus reject when I first heard it. However I just picked up the EP so I have yet to evaluate whether I still feel that way or not. As much as I enjoyed Paracletus, I felt as though it didnt quite live up to the sound they achieved in Fas; and if the new song was even worse then I cant help but feel they are getting stagnant.
Having heard the new DSO EP in high quality, it's an EXCELLENT album. To me, it's a natural progression from Fas and Paracletus. Whether you think that's an improvement or not is your decision.