Black Metal.

Nice! I'm glad someone else likes Murmurs. I've heard some of their demos but still need to check out the full-length- sounds good from the song you posted. You should also check out Disa's solo project Turdus Merula (either of the full lengths). It's similar but more atmospheric. The songwriting and arrangements are at times excellent.

Yeah, Murmurs are pretty excellent from what I've heard. Like I said, I was digging through YouTube for some "raw black metal" and just stumbled upon them.

I'll be sure to check out that Turdus Merula stuff too at some point.
Oddvar A:M, one of the guitarists of In the Woods..., has passed away according to Prophecy Productions' facebook page. Very sad news. Heart of the Ages is easily one of my top 5 favorite albums. Cheers for all the good music

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Sad. The posted song should have been "Mourning the Death of... Oddvar".

From the liner notes of the album:

Jeg er ikke redd for å dø, men jeg er redd for ikke å leve. Lever jeg?

Ja [ ] Nej [ ]
Definitely check out Heart of the Ages and Omnio. In the Woods... really helped expand black metal in Norway during the mid-90's along with Empyrium and Enslaved into more interesting and progressive territories
Empyrium? Do you mean Emperor?

Empyrium - while interesting, excellent and progressive - are from Germany.

Other bands that might fit the bill are Solefald, Borknagar, Arcturus, Fleurety, Winds, Ved Buens Ende, Kvist, Manes or Dødheimsgard. All are Norwegian 90's bands that are challenging the traditional Norwegian Black metal music with a more progressive approach.
Empyrium? Do you mean Emperor?

Empyrium - while interesting, excellent and progressive - are from Germany.

Other bands that might fit the bill are Solefald, Borknagar, Arcturus, Fleurety, Winds, Ved Buens Ende, Kvist, Manes or Dødheimsgard. All are Norwegian 90's bands that are challenging the traditional Norwegian Black metal music with a more progressive approach.

All great bands, too
This album should be checked out.


Infinity – Non De Hac Terra

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I was just spinning Lord Belial in my truck today! Well, technically I still am, its about halfway through, and will continue when I drive somewhere else.
Listened to the new Deafheaven and Summoning today.

The Deafheaven really surprised me. The debut was pretty good, but nothing special. Sunbather on the other hand, is loaded with memorable moments and tons of energy. Really looking forward to giving this more listens.

The Summoning... well it sounds like every other Summoning album ever released. Seven long songs that repeat the same melodies over and over and all basically sound the same. The synth melodies are somewhat catchy, but also extremely corny. The guitars are puttering and might as well not be there. It's like a fucking videogame soundtrack with black metal vocals.
The Deafheaven really surprised me. The debut was pretty good, but nothing special. Sunbather on the other hand, is loaded with memorable moments and tons of energy. Really looking forward to giving this more listens.

A friend sent a leaked file of this my way. I'm REALLY trying to hold off on listening to this until I can get my hands on an actual copy of the album. Roads to Judah is wonderful and what I heard from Sunbather practically brought me to tears of joy.
Anyone here check out the new Thou Art Lord?

Sounds like some really good Hellenic black metal.
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