Black Metal.

Now imagine practicing for six months and playing something relatively simple like Burzum

I am justing saying we should not expect Varg to put out a new record for a while when he gets out and not expect it to be the best guitar work, both on a playing and writing standpoint.
news of the day..... Gorgoroth just split-up.

I'm actually a little pleased. Their first two albums own but after that I really don't give a fuck.

I see Gaahl and King want to continue under the name Gorgoroth and find a replacement for Infernus. Why even keep the band name once the last remaining original band member is gone?
I'm actually a little pleased. Their first two albums own but after that I really don't give a fuck.

I see Gaahl and King want to continue under the name Gorgoroth and find a replacement for Infernus. Why even keep the band name once the last remaining original band member is gone?

Yup. They are not even the true Gorgoroth at this point.

He have had an acoustic guitar in his cell, you know, Alter.

That changes everything now.
Gorgoroth has always been Infernus more or less, at least in the classical releases. So if he continues making music, he should have the name.
If he does not want to create any more music he could just as well pss the name on to the others imo.
Looks like there will be a new Emperor DVD coming soon. Samoth briefly mentioned it when posting Zyklon's latest myspace bulletin.

Samoth said:
On other fronts, there are plans for an official Emperor DVD release.


I'd like it if they release it on CD as well, like they did previously.
I can't get enough of fucking Nortt.
It swallows my pitiful soul such a dark bottomless well.
It tastes like a damp ground and smells like cemetery.
It' brilliant.