Black Metal.

Sunn's probably going to be re-released since it's selling like hot cakes these days.
Next task: Rate all of Enslaved's albums from best to least.
1 Vikingligr Veldi


2 Frost

I was actually so shocked by how staggeringly average Frost was compared to the fantastic Vikingligr Veldi (I would argue that "Vetrarnótt" rivals "I Am The Black Wizards" in holding the great/definitive black metal riff) that I haven't bothered to check them out further. Although I hear Hordanes Land is good.

Maybe old, there was some videoclip I haven't seen before.
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Immortal makes the sweetest metal videos ever because they're just having fun and being metal as fuck.

btw some total fucktard on youtube thought the call of the wintermoon video was supposed to be serious and he was commenting on how dark it was and how people just "didn't get it" and i'm completely certain he wasn't a troll...he had way too much conviction.
I was watching that Ancient bit and thinking, "This isn't too bad"...and then that part around -35 seconds with the singer or whoever flicking his tongue around sealed the deal.

the only tasteful black metal video I've seen taking place in a forest is Agalloch's "Not Unlike the Waves" or the Negura Bunget video from OM (I can't remember the specific track)
I just love how 8.5 of those videos takes place in the woods. Great post. I was surprised as shit that the Anicent video made it on MTV!!! It DEFINITELY wasn't the worst one, but it was bad. I wonder why BM bands even bother to make videos.
1 Vikingligr Veldi


2 Frost

I was actually so shocked by how staggeringly average Frost was compared to the fantastic Vikingligr Veldi (I would argue that "Vetrarnótt" rivals "I Am The Black Wizards" in holding the great/definitive black metal riff) that I haven't bothered to check them out further. Although I hear Hordanes Land is good.

Oh indeed it is. "Allfadr Odinn" is perhaps the greatest viking black metal song ever written.
1 Vikingligr Veldi


2 Frost

I was actually so shocked by how staggeringly average Frost was compared to the fantastic Vikingligr Veldi (I would argue that "Vetrarnótt" rivals "I Am The Black Wizards" in holding the great/definitive black metal riff) that I haven't bothered to check them out further. Although I hear Hordanes Land is good.

It's excellent. If it's only their more black metal recordings you're interested in, Hordane's Land has some of the best work of that era. One of the few instances I can think of where a band pulls off a 13-minute "pure" BM tune without sounding superfluously long-winded.
If anyone like Emperor - ITNE, you guys should check Sirius - Aeons of Magick, it's an amazing's what emperor should have released after ITNE in my opinion. I re-checked that band today and forgot how great they were. Too bad they split like 5 years ago :S
I noticed a lack of any recent Peste Noire discussion...

Anyone else really into both albums other than me? I need to find something like this band.

Also Urfaust gets a thumb down from me.
If anyone like Emperor - ITNE, you guys should check Sirius - Aeons of Magick, it's an amazing's what emperor should have released after ITNE in my opinion. I re-checked that band today and forgot how great they were. Too bad they split like 5 years ago :S


I will find this.