Black Metal.

^ What he said.

I got my albums from Loic personally. They all appear to be sold out now. I got them all at once. He told me I got his very last copy of Errances Oniriques. It was quite expensive with shipping, but worth it.
Just like a pussy - press your little buttons and tweak your little posts. Fact is - its freedom of speech, and that means that I can call you a fucking pussy all day long. And just cause you've got the absense of any fucking life to have the time to mod this forum and put in as many entries of plain shit that you do doesn't give you the way to put words in other people's mouths, typing in pathetic shit that they don't really write. Ya keep doing that and you'll lose your only claim to fame, YOU FUCKING PUSSY, of being a pathetic fucking forum mod. Now off to fuck your mother.
Does anyone have any of Funeral Fog the band's CD's? I would like to get some eventually, I like their style of black metal, they are also Canadian.