Black Metal.

Except you forgot they stole the Genevieve cover art from some artist, you ignorant.


I've never seen any evidence that they don't have permission to use that picture, nor any evidence that they do.

By the way, what's your username on the FMP forums? PM me or something if you don't want to post it, because I know you go there, and could probably find out without asking, but I figure this is more polite.
I think all of their work is interesting. I've also talked to them online before, and they're pretty funny guys. I need to get back to them, actually.
It's a demo, yeah, but it's still very good. I'd recommend it over Scalding Coldness. If you can find either, get Where the Snows are Never Gone (re-release of the Zdes Nikogda Ne Skhodyat Snega demo) and Religion of Spiritual Violence.

Hells headbangers had Withers of the Wind, i'll go order it as well. The others are in obscurity it seems.
As much as I hate to say it, I don't really like Black Metal, I feel I should, I mean, it's great and all but the vocals are so annoying, I don't know, and the band logos are really cool also.