Black Metal.

Thanks to a recommendation from Neurotica, I checked out Gris and they're great. Kind of like a mix of Thy Light and Demise era Nachtmystium. I'll return the favor and recommend another French-Canadian depressive black metal band: Forteresse

Forteresse are great! I would say they are more on the ambient side of the spectrum rather than depressive.

And once again, this thread has helped me find something to listen to at the moment. :)
I heard some more Ildjarn on Youtube and liked it, Forest Poetry, and the Svard one, and another Norwegian name.
I'm just not sure what album to get from the, I've heard Ildjarn albums go for tons on ebay and are rare.
For a bit of variety:

The Dwelling

But it's physically impossible to go wrong with any of their full-lengths. Also to not pass up the Sabbatical Holocaust compilation, which compiles all of the band's early EPs and some live material from when they were more of a purely thrashy nature. It's worth it alone for the way Gezol pronounces 'Black Fire'.
For a bit of variety:

The Dwelling

But it's physically impossible to go wrong with any of their full-lengths. Also to not pass up the Sabbatical Holocaust compilation, which compiles all of the band's early EPs and some live material from when they were more of a purely thrashy nature. It's worth it alone for the way Gezol pronounces 'Black Fire'.

The Dwelling is awesome, probably my favourite release by the band followed by Karisma and Satanasword. But as Dodens mentionned, I don't think you can go wrong with any of the full lenghts. I think they're all at least very good.

By the way, I have The Dwelling in vinyl but was it actually released on CD at some point?
Gris pretty much wins over all other depressive black metal.
Have you heard Nachtmystium - Demise? It's a little more traditional sounding, but I hear a lot of similarities.

Forteresse are great! I would say they are more on the ambient side of the spectrum rather than depressive.

And once again, this thread has helped me find something to listen to at the moment. :)
I tend to lump ambient and depressive together, because they have similar songwriting styles.
Seriously, someone kick me in the face for not checking out Sabbat (Jpn) earlier. I think I must've seen their massive list of releases a while back and said "FUCK THAT!". Evoke is bloody good.
Nocturnal Depression is going to release a new album called "Reflections of a Sad Soul" to be released at the end of this year maybe, according to the band.