Black Metal.

"A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit" appears in two different versions on the original Burzum and Aske, and the reissue Burzum/Aske digipack features only the one from the latter if I remember correctly. :)
I just read a description for Profanum (Poland) and it seemed quite interesting. Anyone here has listened to their stuff, if so is it worth checking out?
"A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit" appears in two different versions on the original Burzum and Aske, and the reissue Burzum/Aske digipack features only the one from the latter if I remember correctly. :)
Yes, and the channel mixers are supposedly not that great for that version compared to the original.
anyone here have Ayat-Six Years Of Dormant Hatred,i'm gonna order it,sounds fucking sick,a BM band from Lebanon espousing songs of hatred towards Allah,any fucking goose can take the piss out of the weak christian god but to live in an arab country and write hateful songs towards the muslim god takes fucking balls(this is akin to varg vikernes spreading his racist philosphies from deepest darkest Africa,although probably way more dangerous),and the best thing of all is that from what i've heard the music itself fucking kicks ass,in the vein of early Impaled Nazarene,my kinda BM,i hope they live to make another album!!

What percentage of you faggot downloaders have downloaded this and not bought it yet?

Buy it right here for $12:
The new Faustcoven is better than the debut and is more cohesive, although both albums are great.
Nocte Obducta is pretty great, they did a kind of weird technical black/death metal thing with long, epic songs and crazy structures for a while but on the newest album they did prog rock/ambient with black metal parts.
This new DsO song is pretty great. I like it a lot better than Fas. All of those 20 minute songs are win, the best being Mass Grave Aesthetics probably. Whereas it felt like the "cool parts" on Fas were rather sparse, this song is pretty packed with great riffs. It helps that it sounds more like black metal this time.

Also, I'm planning to go to Metal Haven tonight. All CDs are down to $10.99 this week. My preliminary haul is as follows:

Peste Noir - (long French title)
Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
A Forest of Stars - (whatever it is)
Old Wainds - (something in Russian, the demos I believe)
Malign - (demos comp)
UFO - Lights Out (used)

Gah, so hard to decide. I also wanted some Ildjarn, the new Cynic, those Paysage d'Hiver digibooks, and uh, other stuff that I can't recall. So hard to not spend $80-100 when there's a sale there.