Black Metal.

I hate the whole OMG NEW LEAK TIME TO PASS JUDGMENT IMMEDIATELY thing, but I spend time being angry about things that matter and affect me directly. :)
Pale Folklore isn't black metal, but it has a lot more in common with black metal than anything else they've ever released.
I was just listening to the latest Marduk album ROM:512. There is some decent songs on there, but what is everyone's opinion on this album?

The song with Alan from Primordial is the highlight for me. Nice slow wierd and doomy.

I quite like it, as well as Plague Angel. Both albums benefit well from the production.
After downloading and listening to the recently released "Life Eternal" EP by Mayhem, I can safely say that there was no reason at all for this to exist, other than for Atilla to make more money.
I really hate the downloading culture and mentality.

Same here. The most I'll do is a sample song or two to see what I think, but that's from myspace, youtube, record label sites, etc... I can't think of one time I've downloaded otherwise. I buy albums. Period.

As for Mayhem, I haven't enjoyed anything I've heard other than DMDS, Live in Liepzig, Deathcrush, and a couple tracks off of Wolf's Lair.