Black Metal.

It's the ridiculously over the top trend that is currently all the rave to just see who can make the most unlistenable blackdeath metal possible. Band names and song titles involve words such as goat, blasphemy and derivations thereof, penis, Satan, sado-, black, and things of that nature. They frequently discuss a fascination with gas masks and nuclear holocausts and most of them are really boring and derivative. Good ones include Blasphemophagher, Archgoat, Morbosidad, and Teitainblood, but it really gets fucking old and the people who like this style the most tend to be really dumb.
It's the ridiculously over the top trend that is currently all the rave to just see who can make the most unlistenable blackdeath metal possible. Band names and song titles involve words such as goat, blasphemy and derivations thereof, penis, Satan, sado-, black, and things of that nature. They frequently discuss a fascination with gas masks and nuclear holocausts and most of them are really boring and derivative. Good ones include Blasphemophagher, Archgoat, Morbosidad, and Teitainblood, but it really gets fucking old and the people who like this style the most tend to be really dumb.

Edit: Teitanblood isnt bestialbullshit. How does it get "really old" when i just mentioned That this album will probably be the best to come out this year, no one really even talks about bestial metal here.
I seriously also wouldn't call Bestial metal a trend. Why? Because people that post on nwnprod happen to like that style the best?
Any stuff out there like Ildjarn? Not in terms of the production, but how simple and catchy it is. Or am I better off just getting all the Ildjarn I can and leaving it at that? I have the Sort Vokter album, and I like it, but it didn't live up to some of the lofty praise I've seen for it.
Bone Awl.

I think the new WiTTR is alright. Not amazing or anything, but it's really not bad. Perhaps I'm condemning it with faint praise, but I'll say that it's much better than what I had been expecting. Not expecting it to be even in my top 10 (maybe not even my top 20) for the year, though.

The Amesoeurs album is wonderful.

BaN's new album is very good, but I still prefer their earlier stuff.

Looking forward to releases from: Peste Noire, Alcest, Joyless, Urfaust (split w/ Joyless), Beherit, Drudkh, Walknut, Sigh, etc. Hoping the next Deathspell Omega release makes it out this year.
I'm looking forward to seeing how WITTR performs at Maryland Deathfest, which should be funny/awkward due to how I perceive a lot of people going there feel about them.
I'm going to assume the new WiTTR sucks hard. I think they got lucky in making a competent record in Two Hunters.

It's terrible. Two Hunters is their only record I hold in good regard.

That's what I am assuming as well. I still haven't listened to it and really have no desire to. Two Hunters really is their strongest material.

Don't attempt to listen to it, not because it's not terrible in the sense of "This is just fucking noise," but more of "This shit is soo predictable and wayy to long too hold my interest."

I'm looking forward to seeing how WITTR performs at Maryland Deathfest, which should be funny/awkward due to how I perceive a lot of people going there feel about them.

Why are they even playing there? What a terrible move considering their style and the other bands. Maybe they will fit in with the grindcore kids or some something like that.

From what I have seen, there is a ton of black metal bands at MDF this year, right? Mayhem, Sigh, WITTR, and so forth.
From what I have seen, there is a ton of black metal bands at MDF this year, right? Mayhem, Sigh, WITTR, and so forth.

My guess is that the promoters are trying to draw a variety of metal fans to the fest. Honestly, I think it's pretty awesome how there's a nice mixture of different styles on the bill. Chances are I probably wouldn't go if it were nothing but brutal gurgle brute core for the entire duration of the fest.
Just got an email from the Full Moon Productions' mailing list.


I've been getting a lot of email about the VELVET CACOON "ATROPINE" CD and the Dødsengel MCD releases.
As most of you know, FMP is a small underground record label and basically we cannot release anything without selling merch!
So if you want to see these released soon, then order from us!
The bad economy and music downloads have taken a toll on all record labels including FMP.

Thanks, Jon/fmp

Check our site store at

So order some merch everyone. I want my fucking Velvet Cacoon album.
Velvet Cacoon? Don't they rip off other bands? I wouldn't want to support that, although the music is ok.
New Beherit album is going to be released in a few days.. Can't wait to hear it. people that have heard it say it sounds like a continuation of DDTM

Better than your black metal and your dad's .. it's Summoning. Minas Morgul and Dul Guldur. Anyone who can tell me a band that's better at this than Summoning gets a cookie.
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