Black Metal.

Why is it that, despite my dislike of theistic Satanism, the majority of modern black metal that I dig is "orthodox"?

Also, new Archgoat fucking owns.
Also, someone I talk to on who claims to have "personal ties" with members of Deathspell Omega (and other French black metal artists) says the new one is coming "soon." She's never given me any reason to doubt her, but we'll see.

It's pretty damn hard to think this isn't bullshit given the band in question. But, w/e, if it's true, my life just got better.
It's pretty damn hard to think this isn't bullshit given the band in question. But, w/e, if it's true, my life just got better.
Well I mean, do you think they totally lack for contact with other humans?

She's deliberately been very vague, but my impression is that she works with them in some capacity. She told me about all this a while back when I mentioned something about her 1000+ S.V.E.S.T. plays on the site. Frankly, I trust her, but like I said, we'll just have to see.

By the way, I think Craft also have one coming up, don't they?

Very much enjoying Fuck the Universe at the moment.
Well I mean, do you think they totally lack for contact with other humans?

She's deliberately been very vague, but my impression is that she works with them in some capacity. She told me about all this a while back when I mentioned something about her 1000+ S.V.E.S.T. plays on the site. Frankly, I trust her, but like I said, we'll just have to see.

By the way, I think Craft also have one coming up, don't they?

Very much enjoying Fuck the Universe at the moment.

Ya know, maybe I just think it's more along the lines of "too good to be true" or something than "completely absurd." But still, as secretive as they are, it definitely still seems pretty unlikely that you'd run into someone with inside info on DsO of all bands, but, like you said, you don't really have a reason not to trust her so who knows.
I'm enjoying that Dordeduh track. Very atmospheric

Any bands/albums similar to Nokturnal Mortum's newest (I already know and love Moonsorrow), preferably without the racism?
I don't think there is either, but I'm interested in similar bands, though I know that a lot of bands with that style and from Eastern Europe are pretty racist.
For some reason I kept thinking it reminded me of Sear Bliss, though I haven't listened to anything by them in about five years.
Not really similar to Sear Bliss, speaking of them, I don't see why a lot of people like them so much.

And the cover is :lol:
Perhaps. Musically, bands like Katharsis, S.V.E.S.T. and Ondskapt seem to be carrying the torch of badass old school black metal more so than most non-theistic modern black metal bands.

Yeah but there is a lot of non-orthodox black metal that is awesome too. Like forest black metal :p

And Katharsis are pretty boring imo, 666 was a good album but everything else was meh.
Any bands/albums similar to Nokturnal Mortum's newest (I already know and love Moonsorrow), preferably without the racism?

You should definitely check out Ruina and Kroda. Not quite the same (Kroda is slightly more folky and Ruina is a bit less epic) but both are good bands. Both are pretty NS though, as far as I'm aware...