Black Sabbath - I don't get it

I've noticed the only metal bands many people listen to who think Sabbath is the best are Pantera, Megadeth, and Metallica. In other words, they only listen to the tip of the metal iceberg.

Black metal owns Sabbath in this regard.
I was considering responding to your second point, but your first point indicates that you are probably retarded so I won't trouble you.

Heaven & Hell :rolleyes:
Which was one of those solid moments that didn't have the impact and importance of their classic era, which was what I was speaking of.

In Metal and all it's sub genre's yes, in any other genre of rock (metal is a sub genre of rock in and of itself and/or is a evolution from it) or rock in general I would have to say no.
??? You wouldn't put Sabbath on a list of the most important artists in modern popular music history? I think they should make anyone's top 50, if not 10 or 5.

Well, as I already said, being the first =/= being the best.
Who is saying they're the best because they were first? The reasons for calling them the best include things like being the most important, influential, innovative, etc. The fist metal band could have been some obscure mediocre group and metal wouldn't have caught on until some other band refined and popularized it - but that's not what happened, Black Sabbath was more than just chronologically fortunate.
Sabbath is to metal what the Beatles are to rock. But unlike the Beatles, Sabbath doesn't suck.

I don't think The Beatles suck, and I think saying that is ignorance. But I do think that being this far removed from what they did makes it near impossible to truly appreciate it. I was born in 1967 and even I have never really appreciated them for what they did, but I am not ignorant enough to say they suck.
The Beatles don't suck, they were just surrounded in a fury of hype and pretension that blew them up to a level they never should've reached.

I think that's what happened to Ozzy.

Wow, that's just...young. When Ozzy went solo and put out those first two albums, they ruled! You could appreciate them more if you were there and heard them in context. I still love them. I can't say much about the post Randy Rhoads years, though. I haven't heard much of it, but what I have heard was only ok at best (aside from some tunes from Bark at the Moon).
Another thing with Sabbath is that there are certain songs that I like a lot more than the others (Children of the Grave, Into the Void, War Pigs, Electric Funeral, Iron Man, Symptom of the Universe, Black Sabbath, and a few others).
Actually it's laughably inaccurate, and frankly you would have to be either a complete idiot, flat out lying, or simply grossly ignorant of reality if you think the only people who truly hail Black Sabbath are those who are only familiar with the "tip of the Metal iceberg." I can link you to an entire forum that disproves your theory.
Actually it's laughably inaccurate, and frankly you would have to be either a complete idiot, flat out lying, or simply grossly ignorant of reality if you think the only people who truly hail Black Sabbath are those who are only familiar with the "tip of the Metal iceberg." I can link you to an entire forum that disproves your theory.

I never once used the term only in my argument. I said many.
No. Sabbath aren't the best metal band EVER. [/OPINION]

However, it can't be denied that some of their riffs rule harder than a lot of other bands'...riffs. Yeah.
Wow, that's just...young. When Ozzy went solo and put out those first two albums, they ruled! You could appreciate them more if you were there and heard them in context. I still love them. I can't say much about the post Randy Rhoads years, though. I haven't heard much of it, but what I have heard was only ok at best (aside from some tunes from Bark at the Moon).

That's the problem AchrisK. Most forum members didn't grow up when these bands came out so they cannot appreciate them as much and how different their music was when it first came out. They can and do only compare the past with the present.

But anyways I think the Ozzy/Randy versions of Sabbath songs are better then the originals only because Randy's playing was not as boring as Tony's. He really put new life into those old songs.

As for post Randy years. I thought Jake E. Lee did a fine job in the two Ozzy albums he did. He was the best guitarist to fill Randy's shoes. As for Zakk well he sucks :lol: