Blood Alliance - Studio updates

Has the artwork already been done, just not revealed? I'd almost forgotten about that!
I bet it's done already.

Anyway 62 minutes is pretty close to the previous album's length! and the one before that too lol. MND was like 63 minutes and MOI was about 60.
I didn't know where to post this so I might as well post this here. I advertised Power Quest on the local metal show that is set up here. They mentioned the new album. I will have a sound clip up soon.
Wait, I'm fucking confused.....what sound clip? what pictures? what "rough" intro that steve mentioned before?


I noticed you two are talking about 2 different posts of mine. So I am going to clear things up right now. I have a sound clip of the Power Quest that was played on the local radio station. I requested it and will be putting it up on Youtube and posting it here.
Secondly, If Steve gives me permission I would like to show you the rough intro but I won't do it with out the proper permission. So Steve if you are reading this I'd like to ask permission to have them hear the rough intro. I won't keep it up on Youtube until the album comes out. Unless you don't wish for that to happen.

Anyway thanks for reading this post and have a great day. :) Any more questions just ask.
I'd prefer that a rough demo recorded at home isn't made it really serves no purpose to do that in my opinion. So no, don't post it!

It's kind of funny really....when I was a kid, obviously there was no internet, no previews of songs....we had to actually wait for the album to come out before buying it. I know the world has moved on and all that but, as those who know me will testify, I'm a firm believer in integrity and doing things the right way.

Having said that, I will be asking Napalm if and when we can make a clip or two available for you guys to check out
I'd prefer that a rough demo recorded at home isn't made it really serves no purpose to do that in my opinion. So no, don't post it!

It's kind of funny really....when I was a kid, obviously there was no internet, no previews of songs....we had to actually wait for the album to come out before buying it. I know the world has moved on and all that but, as those who know me will testify, I'm a firm believer in integrity and doing things the right way.

Having said that, I will be asking Napalm if and when we can make a clip or two available for you guys to check out
You're a honest guy..... I know it!

Whatever is possible, be it song titles, artwork, clip..... is better than nothing dude.
I'd prefer that a rough demo recorded at home isn't made it really serves no purpose to do that in my opinion. So no, don't post it!

I had my money on this response. Good to hear. Apart from anything I actually think it's pretty rude to glean a clip from somewhere and then announce an intention to publicise it yourself and then put the owner in the position of declining. It's Steve's work and he owns both it and the right to release it as he'd like. And I'm now of the opinion that it's worth waiting for official and polished previews rather than the "anything's better than nothing" approach. Yes, it shows the eagerness of fans and I'm more than guilty of it when I was younger but I think fans should also respect the band's wishes and plans for handling their own material...after all, goods things come to those who wait!
I'd prefer that a rough demo recorded at home isn't made it really serves no purpose to do that in my opinion. So no, don't post it!

It's kind of funny really....when I was a kid, obviously there was no internet, no previews of songs....we had to actually wait for the album to come out before buying it. I know the world has moved on and all that but, as those who know me will testify, I'm a firm believer in integrity and doing things the right way.

Having said that, I will be asking Napalm if and when we can make a clip or two available for you guys to check out

Thanks anyway Steve these updates are more then enough. I understand 100%. i'd also like to say sorry for downloading it without permission.
Glad to see that's been cleared up. As much as we'd like to hear some snippets before release time, rough demos would not do the material justice. Just like that baked potato advert... give the material a welsh production, give it a month, give it an italian mixing studio, and if you really can't wait, listen to the new Star One album to tide you over :)

I'd like to see the artwork whilst I wait, looking forward to more details on that... always gets me pumped for an album; especially when i know it's Felipe :worship:
I could post the picture Steve let us see if he allows me to. I'll have to give that album a try. :)
Actually the rough demo is good it reminds me of old school thrash metal since it isn't edited and what not.