Borknagar Benchpress

You people are tiny!!! What do you eat, fig leaves and exuberance? I couldn't weigh 155 if my life depended on it. I mean Christian Bale is 6'0 and dropped to 130 for The Machinist and he was scary... then of course he immediately gained 100 lbs for Batman Begins. Hmm!

Azzor: Those were my dimensions in highschool. I'm a bit more imposing nowadays though :kickass:
you really can't believe those promo pics of metal bands, they make the guys in the band look so different. you know mr v doesn't go around raising his hands in anger like that.

and from other pictures most of those borknagar guys look puny and weak.
Simen's a giant, and Oystein doesn't look any smaller than he... plus Erik is a monster compared to everyone else in the Emperor DVD. I think we need some stats though, Asgeir. I only listen to bands that could beat me in a wrestling match.
Haha, a wrestling match against Borknagar, he might have a shot if it's a tag match, in other words the members of Borknagar can only have one member against him at one time.:p
On WWE RAW last night there was a similar match with those rules, 14 guys who are the ECW roster VS. 2 Guys from RAW and of course ECW won. :lol:
^Yeah, it is scripted, but I really enjoy it. I don't know much about Greco-Roman wrestling but I know it takes a lot of skill to be good at, I guess the match would be sloppy unless they knew a little about Greco-Roman wrestling. :p
televised fake pro wrestling has to be the worst form of entertainment. maybe long ago it was interesting when I was 10 , but now its just a soap opera with steroid taking men in spandex. I don't understand how people watch it.