Character leaked

The Don said:
Nay Xzar! *smacks xzar in the face with wooden mallet for slapping cortexon in the face with a sledgehammer* In Flames deserve all they get, both good and bad :lol:! *ducks while stones are thrown in my direction*

Honestly i'm not worried or upset that it leaked. Fuck albums leak all the time, but tis the true fan that buys in the day it comes out. And i my friend am one of those eager supporters!! ;)
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Am I the only swinging dick here that hasnt heard the album? :p

No :( And I don't plan to listen to it any way before it's released, and I can gallop like a cripple ecstatic donkey to the record store to pick it up. After bugging the guys there dozens of times, asking "Is it here yet??", of course.
Same here.

I love the whole excitement of buying an album I've been waiting for...The fact that you guys are giving it good reviews is just the more reason to wait.

And a new Paradies Lost album about the same time too...One of them has to be good...I can't loose!
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Am I the only swinging dick here that hasnt heard the album? :p

yes, i'm not a swinging dick, even though i don't have it (and i don't plan on getting it any time soon). ;)
I have to say that im really diggin this new DT. Damage Done was my fav album of 2002. This could very well be my fav of 2005 (2004 if you consider this leaked version as a release).

It seems that this album is as good as, if not better than, Damage Done. There isn't a weak track on here whatsoever.

The album seems very urgent in its delivery, like the band has something to get off their chests. The album fits perfectly with all the insanity going on in the world (war, politics, etc).

I just love those thrash riffs ala At The Gates in "The New Build" and also on "through smudged lenses".

I cant get enough of this album!!!!!
Firefest9 said:
The album fits perfectly with all the insanity going on in the world (war, politics, etc).

I personally hate topics like that. I prefer fantasy stories :loco:. like this one

Firefest9 said:
It seems that this album is as good as, if not better than, Damage Done.

Nothing is better than Damage Done :D. Though i like their new deathy style even more.
I'm not feeling Character in my loins yet, but I'll wait for futher listens and CD quality audio before drawing final impressions. However, Dry Run and Out of Nothing are the motherfuckers.
Character isn't probably going make such a big impression on me as Damage Done (being the first), Projector and Haven did. Character is good, but one can't really avoid feeling that they've stuck to the same thing with DD and Character, just heavier this time around. But as S4R, I'll have to listen to it more.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Character is good, but one can't really avoid feeling that they've stuck to the same thing with DD and Character, just heavier this time around. But as S4R, I'll have to listen to it more.
I definately agree. Damage Done is one of the best cd's to ever be made on this earth. Character has a definate continuation of the vibe on that album, but just heavier.

The funny thing is as all the other melodic swedish bands are getting lighter and/or completely left their roots (in flames, soilwork), DT is getting heavier.:worship:
Firefest9 said:
I definately agree. Damage Done is one of the best cd's to ever be made on this earth.
Ironically, I'll have to strongly disagree with that.

And yes, tt's good that DT isn't at least simplifying their music in the way of Arch Enemy and In Flames.
Firefest9 said:
The funny thing is as all the other melodic swedish bands are getting lighter and/or completely left their roots (in flames, soilwork), DT is getting heavier.:worship:

Hey, I said this before :)

Cortexon said:
In Flames: Melodic Death Metal ----> New Metal
Dark Tranquillity: Melodic Death Metal ----> Death Metal
After listening to the album about 3 times all the way through, I can definitely say that this album will take some time to grow on me. It's a much more difficult album to grasp than Damage Done was. When comparing the two albums, Damage Done seems to have more straightforward, get-stuck-in-your-head type melodies. I can honestly say I'm having trouble getting any of the new songs stuck in my head. I definitely don't think this is a bad thing in any way. It means that they've made a challenging album that demands repeated listens in order to "get it." And I look forward to listening to this album again and again until I get it. And Mikael sounds great as well. The comparison to the vocal style of The Mind's I are right on. My only complaint is that there really is only one pace to this album, and that's fast and heavy. Not that I don't like that pace, but I miss the occasional acoustic and clean guitar parts that were used especially well in The Mind's I.