Children Of Bodom Bootleg download

Thanatopsis said:
I don't have video of that bootleg, how could I post it in video?
and why? after all that work......people don't want it. Bastards...haha.


I was about to download it...but it got leeched too many times :Smug: FTP would work better...anyone knows a good shareware FTP app for Mac Os X?
hi i m back i will post anothe bootleg when i have time i am in school from 13pm to 18 pm cause i have school in the evening so there's not much time in the morning i will probably post some bootleg at weekend.
why dont you upload them to ftp server ?? :(
before, we downloaded lots of stuff from there.. include a 500MB of reapn roll video.. TUSKA video.. some vidz.. but now, there is a sixpounder wacken live video only..
if i were you, i would upload last bodom&sinergy stuffs there. vidz, bootloeg etc..

also i found a live video bodom beach terror - TUSKA open air fest.. the quality not as good as the (long one) TUSKA fest. video which everybody know..
None, im too lazy to turn it on. If you want me to go in one, tell which one, i don't use it unless i have to. (btw i got banned from the UM hub for listening to Marduk, so don't tell me to go in there :))
I´m usually in the following hubs (and some others): (Metal & Punk) ( »»D•I•A•B•L•O««)

Tell me when you can be there and I´ll probably have time to go there and we can trade some vids