COBOT: the Album

This may be a stupid question, but I always wondered what the point of using the headphone jack on the POD is when you could just use the one for your computer. Unless for some reason you wanted to use both, like if you were recording something with a friend.
Well that's purely opinion. Fact is when you use a mixer to record you get 2 channels (left and right), instead of a channel per mic used, limiting your options for mixing.

Of course but when you don't have money to go to a pro recording studio, it's a good alternative. Plus if you do it right, you can get a great sound.
@Flappy: done.
Ok cheers dude.

Also, regarding the deadline extension Eddy asked for, personally I would be willing to wait 5 days more. I believe TheKid was also requesting this extension so if it helps both of them, I'd be willing to wait. Don't know about the other people though, and this has got to be the final (as in "final") extension!
On topic of deadline, I do not care much either way; I may or may not manage to finish my song this weekend, but extra time will definitely be beneficial to sound quality, as well as my mental/physical health ;)
Nah, mixers are for live use, interfaces are for recording. ofc you can record with a mixer, but so you can with a webcam

Usually though a mixer is used. You know, Especially when recording a drumkit? To control the volume of the different parts of the kit and such.
someone get mr cool ice in here
