COBOT: the Album

a manly man, thats what he is

Eddy's extension is fine with me.

I have yet to properly listen to the EP, but from what I heard so far, the production was excellent! Altho for the guitars in Black Widow, the timing was off at some parts.
and I'm pretty sure my song will be the most poorly mixed on the album. I heard Ed's and he did a great job with his mixing as well.
Tracedawn fucking leet, Ego Anthem is my album of the year so far 8==D
Edit: Also is imo alot better than the first one.
First one had some killer tunes but not as much diversity as the new album.
It's a trojan horse.

Ensiferum came to Hamburg a month ago but I was in Dublin that day.

Na, denke nicht. Wenn du Antivir drauf hast, dann wird er dir denke bei jedem Keygen ein Virus anzeigen. Bzw. machen das viele Antivrenprogramme. Ich hatte mir schon so viele Keygens gezogen und bei jedem wurde mir ein Virus angezeigt, aber es war nie einer. Aber ist deine Entscheidung ob du ihn testen willst...