COBOT: the Album

Just to clear things up, I think my old files in Audacity fucked up my song's title, Stefan Norlin hasnt done anything. He was supposed to play a solo but he never sent it to me.

Eddy : Your song is fucking awesome. I am impressed by your playing !!
Zirkonflex : I really like your song, it sounds tr00 and br00tal !!! I also like the intro and outro a lot. They remind me of Behemoth
Flappy : Epic !!! I got the feeling it's one of the songs I'm going to listen the most to in my car. Your playing is amazing too !!
Daniel <3<3<3 : AWESOME !!! I had already heard it countless times because you sent it to me ages ago, but this version is even better !!! Nice vocals, nice solos, nice everything. Crzy_Aus also did a fucking great job on the violon !!!
Matias : Your song sounds mean... I love it !!!
Crzy_Aus : I loved your song the first minute I heard it, but I like it even more with the vocals, it kinda sounds like old Cradle of Filth. Great job man !!!
Twisha : This song is awesome... You got even better than you already were, I love your playing !
Mitch : As always, your song is fucking great. And your drums sound better than in your previous songs !! I really like the bit with the harpischord
Jose : You really improved your playing, and the song sounds awesome. Also, I really wanna thank you for putting together the whole thing since Dave has disappeared.
Black Widow : That's a kickass cover, guys. You should send it to K-Man so he could show it to COB or something
Crzy_Aus : I loved your song the first minute I heard it, but I like it even more with the vocals, it kinda sounds like old Cradle of Filth. Great job man !!!

That just means I'm doing a crappy job on the vocals :lol: Thanks for helping out with the guitar, made the whole thing sound a lot better than it could've otherwise. I'll be counting on you for the next album :loco:

Oh, and I listened to the whole album now, too, so here's a breakdown of some feelings:

Eddy: Cool stuff. It's like Norther before Norther turned crap (which is awesome)

zirkonflex: Some cool deathmetal evilness there, Vader style! BTW, wtf was that instrumental bit at the end? Is that a bagpipe? :lol:

Flappy: Awesome epic song. With those galloping rhythms it has to be related to either vikings or Iron Maiden, but with the absence of vocals it's hard to decide which :) No idea what either of those has to do with Enlightenment, but the song was very well-constructed I thought.

Ensi: Too br00tal for words. I can only say that violins make it sound a lot better :Smug:

jmbullet: Is that title supposed to be a pun on protective DRM, or am I reading too much into it? :err: Wouldn't call it death/black, rather melodeath, but a really nice song. I'd tweak a few things in the tab, but that's beside the point :lol:

thephenom: It's funny how the riffs in the song mostly sound very NWOBHMish, but then the vocals and guitar sounds are so heavy. Cool song nevertheless :headbang:

ME: hope you guys liked it. BTW, if anyone hasn't noticed the description of my song under "genre" go check it out :cool:

Mystique: Wow, this sounds even more vikingish than Flappy's song. Maybe more black-metal-style vocals would work better?

Mitch: Holy hell, the guitars sound so retro :lol: It's like it's 80s and I'm on the road or something. What distortion are you using? Sounds like BOSS DS-1. Cool harpsichords. IMHO the ending would work better w/o the keys. Maybe two guitars for solos instead? Great job on the solos anyhow. Great song to listen to in a car, if I ever get one :kickass:

coCOB: I already commented for the EP, but once again, it's a great evil instrumental strike :headbang:

Cover: I just did a side-by-side comparison with the original, and they sound almost exactly the same. Awesum :worship: I wanna help next time you guys are recording a cover as well :)

As a bottom note, I think Lowberg should record vocals for all the songs that don't have them :lol:

I also like how one can make a post look tl;dr-worthy just by double-spacing =)

EDIT: You can't have more than 15 smilies in a post? BULLSHIT!! *angry*
So what do we do about the evident lack of Dave100?

Marfal posted EP and Album on 2nd post of the thread because it was done by him if that's what you meant. For next album with all colour codes and stuff, I can do it in my post on the first page if you guys want.

Black Widow : That's a kickass cover, guys. You should send it to K-Man so he could show it to COB or something

I already tried. Sent it to K-man and Henkka via Facebook, but got no response.
I already tried. Sent it to K-man and Henkka via Facebook, but got no response.

Probably too busy getting drunk :lol:


Thanks :) It was the only semi decent reaper I could find on the internet amongst 2398347834578304579340 FTR covers :lol:

Should've used the one I suggested :rolleyes:


Finally: How often do you guys make one of these? I think we should aim to make some kind of special one for the Christmas/New Year holiday season.
That just means I'm doing a crappy job on the vocals :lol: Thanks for helping out with the guitar, made the whole thing sound a lot better than it could've otherwise. I'll be counting on you for the next album :loco:
jmbullet: Is that title supposed to be a pun on protective DRM, or am I reading too much into it? :err: Wouldn't call it death/black, rather melodeath, but a really nice song. I'd tweak a few things in the tab, but that's beside the point :lol:

For the next album, I promise I'll send you my tracks earlier ;).. and I know my tab isn't exactly what I recorded, because I wrote the whole song months ago and recorded it later without really checking the tab, so I changed a few things and I couldnt be arsed to write them down :lol:
review (written as I'm listening to the album):

I noticed the songs on this album are generally a lot longer than they have been before

Eddy: Kickass, even better than I expected from the GP tab, very Norther-ish. Solos were cool as fuck

zirconflex: HOLY FUCK BR00TAL, possibly my favourite, sounds a lot like something I would write :lol:
And whammy bar solo is FUCKING LEET <3

Flappy: Really love the intro, drums remind me of amon amarth :kickass:, I got an old school vibe from the solo
(except more shred), another contender for favourite track :)

Ensi: CHUGTACULAR, less lulz and more heaviness this time, creates different but really badass atmosphere, and sweeps are cleeeeaaaan
Beats the shit out of the version you sent me back in July :lol:

JM: Not properly death/black metal, I'd say melodeath with black influences. Reminds me a bit of CoB and Behemoth :lol:
Gave off kind of an Eastern vibe (<3 that stuff), possibly another contender for favourite track :kickass:

Matias: Not too bad, for some reason the vocals remind me of Meshuggah, or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived :lol: I like your playing style!

Crazy Violin Guy: Very... violin-ish. :lol: Probably the most black metal-ish song ever on a COBOT album since Vivere Est Vincere on the second one.
And <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 organ + super fast double bass pedal

Mystique: Pure old melodeath (which is pefectly fine and awesome). Tight playing, good composition and riffs.
Nice interlude/solo thing in the middle, sounds cool. I like the verse riff a lot too.

Mitch: 1st half-Awesome as always :kickass: Very hard rock-ish, with SHRED EVERYWHERE :lol: <3<3<3 bit at 2:52
2nd half-ZOOOMZOOM WHOOSHWOOSH. My face melted. <3<3 shred bass. Seriously, this is a motherfucking epic track.

COCOB: Brutal metal assault! I have to say, your shred skills are near to or even equal to Mitch's, fucking fantastic dude.

Cover: Pretty good, don't like the tone though, too synthetic and thin compared to the original. Just nitpicking though.
Playing is tight (Mitch's solo is awesome), and Alex's vocals are badass (as always)

Lowberg: Great vocal peformance on every song you did, esp. Eddy's song, your voice must be fucked :lol:
Also I probably preferred your solo on Ensi's song to his :lol: (sorry Ensi)

tl;dr: as good as the first album, definitely better than the second
and waaaay too many lol smileys
Crazy Violin Guy: Very... violin-ish. :lol: Probably the most black metal-ish song ever on a COBOT album since Vivere Est Vincere on the second one.
And <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 organ + super fast double bass pedal

IK, one of my personal fav. moments as well. Extend your thanks to the French band "Love Lies Bleeding" their "Ante Persistance II" from S.I.N. gave me the idea :headbang:
@All: thanks alot for the reviews! And i really have to say you all made the best of this record!!! great job!

@t3h kid: Yeah, but then you should have heard the song I just composed with my band. It was pretty insane. 2 and a half minute headbanger with a meshuggah breakdown as finisher...I am bathing in sweat after playing it about 8 times for about 45 minutes ago :lol:
@t3h kid: Yeah, but then you should have heard the song I just composed with my band. It was pretty insane. 2 and a half minute headbanger with a meshuggah breakdown as finisher...I am bathing in sweat after playing it about 8 times for about 45 minutes ago :lol:

Next goal - a 35-second song that's about as insane, so you can play it 8 times within 5 minutes for a more effective workout :lol:
I thought I would check back in and see how everyone was doing. I'm really proud of all of you, this came out great. It's a shame that the internet is the best way to meet good musicians now days, because any 4 of you together would make an amazing band. I'm sorry for not being able to help more :(
That's cool, you did what you could, and it's appreciated :)

Finally: How often do you guys make one of these? I think we should aim to make some kind of special one for the Christmas/New Year holiday season.

You, my friend, are insane :) Have you seen how much this goes through? If it were Ensi and me, probably we could have one for Christmas, but usually people take more time. Don't remember about the others, but this one started rolling on May or so, and had a Halloween release.

COCOB: Brutal metal assault! I have to say, your shred skills are near to or even equal to Mitch's, fucking fantastic dude.

Lawl! :lol: As much as I appreciate the comments, the comparison with Mitch's just off the hook. I wish I could play somewhat similar to him, but I'm still working on it. Thanks a lot though, I'm flattered :)
That's cool, you did what you could, and it's appreciated :)

You, my friend, are insane :) Have you seen how much this goes through? If it were Ensi and me, probably we could have one for Christmas, but usually people take more time. Don't remember about the others, but this one started rolling on May or so, and had a Halloween release.

Lawl! :lol: As much as I appreciate the comments, the comparison with Mitch's just off the hook. I wish I could play somewhat similar to him, but I'm still working on it. Thanks a lot though, I'm flattered :)

Well whatever you say, but you are a fucking awesome player.
The notes were like ZOOMZOOM WHOOSHWHOOSH, just like Mitch.