COBOT: the Album

More than the first on with the evil vocals and the Super Mario thing?

Fine, but it's gonna be a hair metal song

with super awesome cheesy lyrics and dirty riffs

:kickass: Or do Steel Panther-like lyrics :lol:

I think this Cobot song is seriously the weirdest thing I have ever created :ill:

Cool! Mine is my first song in drop C, and the motherfucker makes the mix a hell of a lot bassier if I used the same tone I always use, I had to change it quite a bit.
my "new" song is pretty much written, total writing time about 2 hours lol
It's not gonna be as long and complex as the one I did for last time, but it flows better and is catchier IMO.
I started doing a song in guitar pro, but I realized there's no way I can play that so I stopped :lol: Besides it was kinda weird.
:lol: That happens sometimes. And when the riff is good it pisses me off A LOT, specially when is something really technical that I'm not going to be able to play till god knows when :erk:

well I think I've finally finished composing, so dave you can put me in blue or whatever the color is supposed to be. i need to practice some of it and then i'll start recording. :)

Nice to hear! Good luck with practicing them, I'm sure you'll work them up soon :kickass:

Every time i try and record my computer lags. Anyone up for some recording haha?

Every time i try and record my computer lags. Anyone up for some recording haha?

Dunno if I'd be able :lol:

question for those of you who have already recorded: just out of curiosity, do you guys use different tones for the rhythm guitar and the lead guitar?

Not necessarily. I sometimes want different tones (I think I used a different one with chorus for my COBOT song) but some others (see my Hate Me! cover on the GP thread or the COB cover thread) I use the same tone and just change the eq.